Hey all, I guess it’s a little early for me to be calling people out on stuff, especially about language, but I really feel the need. I’m forty five hours and forty six minutes into quitting smoking, so bear with me and I’ll try not to use this message board to displace my anger/frustration at not being able to thin my lungs and cut my life short, etc., and I’m not really good at expressing myself well right now, so… here goes…This is usually easier face to face with people.
I really want to bring attention to the word “bitch”. I dunno if this is the right place to do this, if I should just send individual messages or respond in the actual topic with the word in it, but the person who started the topic with the word in it was logged on as a guest and was asking for help, which makes me feel kinda worse because maybe they are looking for a home, but I still feel like I’d like to say some stuff about this word and its use, and get some feedback.
Call me a Eco-Feminist authoritarian, but I really don’t like saying or hearing that word. BUT please READ WHY::: “Bitch” is, yes, a word for a female dog, but a breeding female dog. These nonhuman animals are obviously not really liking having sex when they don’t want to, so, often times, they have to be “coerced”, that is, impregnated against their will, raped, and, they are “difficult” (I would be too I would hope), so they get called “bitch” along with any “difficult” woman or “weak”/complaining man. It’s weird to see that word here in these message boards, when it obviously applies to a really freaking horrible practice that is part of domestication. I don’t know what else to say. I guess I just wanted people to be aware of the origin of the word if they weren’t already. I don’t want anyone to “fall in line” because of community pressure or even out of respect for my own feelings, and I don’t want to be singled out as a “crazy Feminist” on my second post, but it does anger me, even though I love casual language. Just think/feel about it.
Sorry I don’t know you all and I’m already working at this.