Thinking aloud: how do you stop a Wendigo?

I hope you’ll bear with me a short while folks, because I’m rambling a bit to put pieces together.

When I was young, I was educated in a few fundamental myths. These are the same ones my parents were taught and the same ones being taught to my kids (in elementary, middle and high school).

They were presented kind of like this:

The Biblical myths (framed as a modern religion, which you may or may not believe in): A singular deity created all things, humans chose to disobey the deity and the consequences were grave. From the brutal murder of a son through a history of slavery, abomination, and genocide, it was only stopped when the deity finally sent his first-born son to sort it all out.

The Scientific myths (framed as complete and totally real and trustworthy and true): specifically, the idea that the humans who evolved in one environment (Africa) were the same as the humans in other areas on the planet at all other times. Science did however manage one major division. There was history–which was defined as the beginning of our civilization-- and there was pre-history which is not really worth studying except as a cool intellectual exercise.

The Beginning of History myths: I learned about the Sumerian myths before Dungeons and Dragons slapped it into their Deities & Demigods books. They were presented as the earliest civilized myth, therefore the most important (the prehistoric myths being made by the functional equivalent of children in the eyes of my educators).

I want to tear apart a couple of these quick. The Bible myths (as presented–not a lot of subtlety in general education) were pretty straight up hierarchy reinforcement. Dad treated humans well before you screwed up. No, he doesn’t have to explain himself as to the nature of your mistake. OMG, you people are seriously a bunch of screw-ups. Thankfully, Number One Son is there to save the day, because obviously the rest of you can’t. And Number One Son is going to train a set of 12 guys to empower 1 guy to teach a whole bureaucracy of guys to keep you in line because have I mentioned lately you are a bunch of seriously stupid children? Thank god we still have church or you’d be up to your necks in defiled corpses.

Science myths: Oh boy. Where to start. Basically, science was a recapitulation of the Bible Myths in new clothing. Except this time it was progress-evolution-complexity as deity, Africa as Eden and intelligence as Jesus. And OMG, weren’t you people a bunch of serious screw-ups until civilization arrived? Thank ingenuity for Sumeria or we’d all be screwed! This boils down to: children, study hard and work to fit in with civilization, no matter how much it hurts, because it’s better than ALL the alternatives and we’ll find a way to fix all-the-things once people learn to listen to the whole bureaucracy of guys that keep you in line because have I mentioned lately you are a bunch of seriously stupid children? Thank progress we have a democratic government or you’d be up to your necks in defiled corpses.

Meanwhile, the ex-scientist who is me and ex-religious scholar who is me is bumbling around in the shadows looking to get a better look at the world. From deep ecology to modern western occultism, oooo! Look at the things no one talks about!

At some point while I’m kicking over rocks, a Montana metis mentor points out the term wendigo to describe the spiritual sickness that infects the white invaders (and, by default, the civilization from which it gleefully sprung). I’m going to assume here that at least one person who reads this article hasn’t heard of the Wendigo (alternate name: wetiko). It’s an Algonquin tale of a spiritual force that infects folks who have, for whatever reason, consumed human flesh. This spiritual force creates in them an eternal hunger which, if fed, only causes them to grow in power and stature (in some of the myths – not all) but does not sate them. As far as I’m been able to determine, only the more powerful medicine workers could go up against a wendigo and survive and the cure for a wendigo infection is to kill it.


Well I can see the parallels between the Wendigo and civilization. Sure. Would hate to have to kill everybody touched by it (ew) including myself :frowning: . So is there another path to deal with it? Well, I had to first find out where the damn origin point is, right? Patient zero, so to speak. Science and religion were false paths that dealt with reinforcing the current reality, not addressing the past. What’s the origin?

Oh. There’s those Sumerian myths. Important enough for people to preserve despite religious upheavals and purges and burning, etc. etc. Important enough to be taught in these broad strokes to school children. The myth (generalized) goes like this:

Tiamat and Apsu (her lover / husband / whatever) created all the gods but they were pests so Apsu killed a bunch of them. Tiamat tried to intervene on their behalf and it worked for a while but she ultimately failed. Along comes Anu or Marduk (yes, schools mix up Sumerian and Babylonian myths), a younger god, who tells the council of elders he’ll take care of the situation if they put him eternally in charge. They agree (assuming he will fail) and he kills Apsu. They put him in charge reluctantly but soon a new threat emerges when Tiamat (rightfully pissed at the death of her husband) throws a serious tantrum, endangering everyone. Anu says he’ll fix it again, but wants even more power. They agree again (fearfully this time). He kills Tiamat and puts all the elders to work. The elders do this for a time then basically decide it’s bullshit and break their tools. Anu compromises and makes a new race out of nearby white clay to do all the backbreaking work. He calls these new things “the Fingers of Anu.” We call them humans.

End of story.

It helps to know that Tiamat is a name for the ocean, Apsu for fresh water (likely the Tigris and/or Euphrates). Anu means Wheat. And starving people eat white clay leading them often in mythology to be called People of the White Clay or beings of white clay.

This leads me to see this story, scientifically, as a geo-engineering story, where a crazy outcast from a successful culture (overpopulation = plenty of food) came in during a time of disaster to propose the unthinkable in exchange for power. It worked, at the expense of having to work your ass off to keep it going. That situation was solved by enslaving a nearby tribe living on a marginal existence (likely caused by the geo-engineering but I’ve got no proof for that).

What does this have to do with Wendigo?

Anu fits into a very specific kind of medicine, the one people tend to brand as a ‘witch’. It’s medicine work done without regard to what the hell the impact is on the rest of the world. That obnoxious little fucker did it a couple of times and he certainly knew there would be a serious impact in god-killing but he did it anyways.

Ahem. Sorry. Talking about Anu always makes me angry.

Since the Tigris, Euphrates, and ocean still exist, what did he do? Well, we know a large chunk of the spell from his name; it means wheat. He ate them. You scrape away their flesh and when the plants that exist as band-aids pop up, you eat them. You denude the land; where you can’t eat the energy, you fucking flatten it. Channel it into lifeless canyons and man-made wastelands. Lock it down. And you can’t stop. You can’t ever stop. Because if you stop consuming these gods they will return to life like gods sometimes do and their anger will be beyond measure.

That’s what he infected us with. Throwing the deep anger of dead gods and forcing us to consume, consume, consume in order to prevent a disaster set up 10,000 years ago. No wonder Lovecraft got so popular in the 20th century. Deep Ocean is coming for you guys and you are going to regret it.

As Anu searched for a narrative to save his people from Tiamat and Apsu, I’m looking for a way to spell ourselves out of it. I know some practical things: stop eating the gods, break down the channels, bring life to the wastelands (especially if it doesn’t benefit you), and restore cycles in all the ways both small and large. But that’s just a drop, I think.

Once upon a time (well, recently actually), I had a dream that a group of oak-men (not all men, by the way and the term is a translation off a Celtic word dru) were working on a solution to this curse. It involved them connecting to the positive intent of civilization’s foundations (protect the children, building a better future) and using that to rend it from the inside, but the spell also came at a cost: it separated the oak-men from their ancestor’s favor, since to cast the spell would also cast aside the legitimate anger at what civilization had done to the uncivilized. At this point (in the dream), the spell had not been set off but its boundaries could be felt out there for those who’d heard about it.

So what is the point of this post? It is, I suppose, what you want to make of it. A connection with spiritual energies disjointed in time, a look into the impact of killing gods, an attempt to utilize storytelling to understate and reverse a harmful, pervasive memetic structure. A cry for help among experienced folk to find a spell that could change the world.

I’m looking to people to help brainstorm this. To see if it’s viable.

What do you think?

<edited to change “wetika” to “wetiko”. Oops>

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Thanks for that Thomas, really interesting. I didn’t know anything about the Sumerian myths but I found your analysis compelling. Strange how these founding mythologies speak a lot of truth. You’ve come across Dan Quinn’s interpretation of the Genesis stories, I take it? Similar thing, by the looks of it, of a culture adopting a mythology, possibly from a people they oppressed, which critiques their way of life in the strongest possible terms. Sort of like some films are able to do nowadays (eg: Avatar, Hunger Games, Matrix, Fight Club) in an otherwise totally conformist media monoculture.

Would you care to expand on your dream a little? Don’t think I’d personally be able to connect with the spiritual / spell-casting aspects, but I can see a practical task which ‘oak-men’ could busy themselves with in these times, namely moving the subsistence base away from annual grains and back towards tree crops, including the acorn:

Got any sources on the wendigo story, preferably from a native writer? I know a few anti-civ writers have picked up on it but I get the impression there are hidden depths if you go deeper into it.

Thanks again for the post,


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I welcome interesting PMs, so thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

re: science, I feel it’s source–observation, experimentation, replication–is a sound technique for examining the world. It’s one tool in the box, though, and yeah, I do think many of its adherents have turned it into a religion. I really can’t blame them though. They are reacting to faiths that have become divorced from reality for the last few thousand years and that’s enough to drive anyone a little batty.

re: Aeonic shifts, there are a lot of myth cycles (and non-human influences) that document those changes. Your use of Aeons, though, are you referring to Crowley’s work (I am currently diving once again into western occultism because it’s an interesting read). I tend to think his idea of Aeons are too mired in civilization thought but that doesn’t mean he’s not recognizing an actual energetic shift. I’m also currently very familiar with Steiner’s work and his commentary of grand shifts in universal energy.

But really what I’m trying to address is one of the oldest of cycles, which is a Monster that cannot be defeated by the strongest of warriors, the wisest of men, or the will of the people. Coyote vs. the Frog Monster is a good example. There are plenty of others. Life-extinguishing events have obviously happened in the past; it’s just how to deal with this one. That’s why I’m searching so hard for an answer in unusual places.

I am glad you enjoyed the read, Ian. I did enjoy Quinn’s reading of Genesis (and it makes more sense as you dive deeper into Talmudic studies). I do know it was influenced by the Babylonian exile and by the growth of Zoroastrianism, which to me, was another attempt to try and justify why civilization was so freaking miserable. Have you ever looked at the Yazidi beliefs? They actually identify the ‘fruit’ of the knowledge of good and evil as wheat. Interesting stuff…

re: the dream, what would you like to know? Part of it was that we (modern folks) forget that sometimes it takes time for things to grow–and to fight back against what the Roman Empire infected the Western European cultures with took time to mature. It spoke to the idea that the people who are supporting civilization often do so with the best of personal intentions: my ancestors, for example, brought the trains to California. It was done out of curiosity (let’s investigate over there!) and a desire to forge a safer nation for the people and (especially) a safer world for my family. The fact that it led to the attempted genocide of the local tribes and the destruction of the landscape was a tragedy and a horror but it was justified by my family as something inevitable.

That’s the flaw in the curse of consumption; this empathy can be turned away from destruction and back towards natural channels. But I can’t see entirely how. I can just sense the edges of it (which drives me nuts). This is primarily because the work is of a lot of folks, not just one. It’s the classic blind men describing the elephant scenario.

In stories like Coyote vs. the Hap (local story), it’s the monster’s greed that allows the Trickster to destroy it. Literally, the monster cannot stop feeding, so when, in its quest to kill Coyote, it attacks, it can’t stop itself from swallowing the poison that leads to its death. This is a different case. It’s the monster’s heart that is vulnerable and that’s what the oak men were going for.

I’m not sure if that answers what you’re looking for? Happy to dig in further!

re: practical aspects, there is no distinction (to me, at least, and I believe this holds to older traditions) between the practical work and the spiritual work. So, thank you for the link re: acorns! I’m privileged to live both in place in California and near a tribe (their government offices are in San Fernando, near me) that used acorns. I’ve played around making acorn candy at one point (for fun) and I hope to use it in a lot of different ways later.

re: the wendigo story, I have nothing on hand, but I’m pinging some sources to see if I can get the link you requested.

Hi everyone!

I’m glad that people have acknowledged here that modern science has “religious” beliefs. I mentioned this briefly in another post, but I have concluded (after reading some of his works) that psychologist Carl Jung would agree. I read an article of his many years ago where he wrote that “a Man must have a Myth to survive,” and that “the psychological energy in which Modern Man exerts himself to Scientific belief, the Primitive man exerted in his Myths.” Obviously, he is using “man” to refer to humans as a whole (and I wanted to be as accurate as possible when quoting him, no offense intended).

Jung’s ideas have shaped me. I’ve met people with many belief systems, and although they differ, whether they are Religious, or Scientific, there’s one thing all “Myths” and “Beliefs,” I have noticed, have in common–almost everyone views Their belief system (scientific or not) to be “right,” and the Truth, just as virtually all cultures have viewed their Myths as the Truth. Science is no different in asserting that their beliefs are Absolute Truth than many other belief systems, and before we had modern science, Christians didn’t argue their facts as Religious, they argued their facts as the Truth as well.

One belief system I grew up reading about was scientific pantheism (the website I looked up can be found at this link:, which actually acknowledges religious qualities of science, and that many parts of science form a “religion.” They also argue that religion is a human need, and given how most people I have met who are functional and healthy have some form of a belief system, whether its scientific or not, I would agree with this idea. My uncle, a Christian philosopher, has even argued in many of his books that the same Scientific beliefs that try to disprove Religious beliefs also have proven the human need to have a religious belief system.

Belief systems, regardless of their accuracy, can also shape groups and tribes, as other people on this thread demonstrate. The blog Wild Ancestors, written by primitivist author Richard Reese, has recently reviewed the book “Hierarchy in the Forest” by anthropologist Christopher Boehm, where he describes how, in the book, Boehm writes about his and other anthropologists’ experiences struggling to understand several Indigenous, tribal groups in North America because they accidentally engaged in behaviors that were against their belief systems. Regardless of who was more “accurate” in beliefs, the book demonstrated (according to Reese), that in a tribal context, where small groups of people depend on one another for survival, a person cannot go too far into challenging the belief system of the tribe without threatening their own survival.

My own family and extended “tribe” within civilization worships it, and I depend on them for my survival (that’s why I write so much about being unable to leave civilization, but that’s another story). And although I do respect many people on this forum, there are many beliefs I do disagree with here. (But I’m not going to share them if asked.) However, I have learned from experience that, rather than trying to argue, it’s best for me to downplay and keep those differences to myself so I can remain in this virtual community, since this forum is based on a belief system as well, regardless of its accuracy, and challenging a group or forum’s belief system will threaten your ability to remain in that group or tribe, regardless of how “right” you consider yourself in your own belief system.

My father declares himself non-religious and an atheist, but the truth is–he treats science and his atheism with the same extent that any religious person would. I consider him to follow the religion of atheism and science just as much as my Christian friends follow Christianity, and my Native American friends follow their traditional religious belief systems.

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Found this re: wetiko in books: Columbus & Other Cannibals.

Hope it’s of interest to you!

Thanks Thomas,

Yes, I think I heard (maybe via Ran Prieur?) about wheat standing in as the forbidden fruit in some traditions. Didn’t know it was the Yazidis. Interesting stuff… And that Forbes book has been on my “shall I get it or shall I not bother” list for a number of years now! When it says it’s written ‘from a Native American perspective’ does that mean Forbes himself has that background?

re: the dream, I guess I didn’t really understand what the oak-men were trying to do and what challenges they were coming up against. Why would they be separated ‘from their ancestor’s favor’ for trying to connect to the ‘positive intent of civilization’s foundations’? Are they from the civilised or native culture? It seems like civilised ancestors would be fine with that project if it led to more people getting hooked on the project. If native, then yes I can see why they might be pissed that they were sucking up to the ‘good side’ of the culture that attacked them. It reminds me of the ‘I can change him’ form of denial which battered women come out with when asked to explain why they’re still with their abusive partners.

You write:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, huh? I wonder if they ever truly believe that - your family or any settlers in history - or if those are just convenient emotions to fall back on when the alternative view is too painful and damaging to self-image. Claims to virtue as Robert J Lifton described it. I remember something Laurens van der Post wrote about European sailors during the time of colonial expansion after 1492 - that yes, you had the economic reasons for these being considered worthwhile projects, but the risks undertaken weren’t sufficient to explain why so many young men chose to spend their lives this way. Other motives like adventurousness, belief in spreading ‘civilisation’ or Christianity, ideas about broadening social horizons or other reasons step in (for LvdP) to make sense of it. My response was basically ‘Yeah, but if there weren’t economic incentives and social approval for this kind of piracy on a global scale, then it would never have happened, no matter how adventurous the youth were feeling’. Watching how the mass media operates it becomes clear how adept the Powers That Be are at manipulating every kind of emotion to position people in certain attitudes and coax them into supporting certain actions. Then it depends if you go along with it willingly, unwillingly or if you actually manage to oppose it (in which case prepare for silence & exclusion or brutal ad hominem flak)

No problem, I suppose it is kindof like casting a spell in a way!


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Hey Thomas,
I am not sure if you have read any of my essays on the topic, but this is something I am actively exploring in my work as a wilderness therapy guide/ecopsychologist/rewilder. I have done a fair bit of research into all the myths of civilization and have come up with some similar questions and conclusions. I read Forbes “Columbus and Other Cannibals” and Levy’s “Dispelling Wetiko” but was disappointed by both of them. While questions concerning the somatic roots and spiritual origins of civilization do not lend themselves easily to a simple answer, I suspect that you may be interested in some of the work that I do and the essays i’ve written.

Here are two to start with:!Into-the-Wild-Part-One-Towards-a-PostCivilized-Critique-of-Civilization/cjds/5656a2760cf2d091910560fc,!Into-the-Wild-Part-Two-Rewilding-Self/cjds/5666433f0cf256f068fe3aef

Im suspecting that you are into boring theory and stuff, given your post, but if you aren’t (which I dont blame you for, I envy those who dont have to read hundreds of books to reach absurdly obvious conclusions) then I can summarize with this: I think the narrative and imagery of Wetiko/Wendigo is a very helpful way of understanding the mechanics of domestication. By domestication, I mean the way that civilization traumatically replicates its myths in humans and manifests its logic and processes onto the biotic community at large. As a wilderness therapy guide, I have been exploring the mechanics of the Wetiko virus/domestication/trauma over the past decade, and I have compiled some of my experiences and thoughts into a few essays which I share with others in an attempt to create some community and find some validation that other people are experiencing the same madness that I am.

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Ah dreams, how I love thee. :wink: Writer thing, I suppose. Heh.

So, odd theory waiting for another thread at some point. My off-kilter belief is that Taoism, Shinto and (not the stuff the neo-pagans talk about but the other deal) Druidism were an attempt to adapt animism into civilization to change it’s course, heal it, survive with it or some other similar strategy.

The Romans annihilated the Druids, Taoism was smacked around both by other religions (especially the ‘practical’ Confucianism and Buddhism) and non-religious rulers. Shinto has all but lost it to capitalism. Again, my opinion, subject to new information. :slight_smile:

Which brings me around to my impression–that the Oak Men involved were native or not-civilized–and yeah, that’s why their people were pissed. And I’m absolutely sure, on the people’s behalf, that some of the reasoning was exactly what you said – it was like supporting an abusive person.

The issue that the Oak Men realized was that they couldn’t win against the swarming tactics civilization was using against them. Sooner or later people would be sucked into civilization or die. So they tried something new; the spell was/is/will be one to leverage the positive aspects to wedge people out of the madness. I think that’s why it took so much time (or is taking so much time): so it isn’t just restarting the cycle of abuse.

re: the road to hell, yeah, I see my family go through hoops to justify our history. The worst baseline they come up with was if they hadn’t have done it, someone else would have because the world has --always-- (in their opinion) been nasty, brutish and (lives are) short.

The manipulation of the mass media just makes them feel better. Especially the whole good vs. evil dichotomy. ‘We’ are the default good (though flawed) and ‘They’ are evil, due to their actions, which are totally unjustified (of course) because We are good. You can pretty much substitute anything from Democrats pushing for environmental reforms to Daesh to the rises and falls of the stock market. It’s kind of sad, honestly.

Did I mention they were/are Theosophists? This means that, to them, this is a primitive space-time ‘school’ and once we graduate, we go on to become (essentially) space gods. See those oppressed people over there? They’re not -actually oppressed-; it’s just their lesson in this space-time. Hey, we all go through it right? I mean, the fact that the whites are in power and on top MUST mean they went through it in another lifetime AND learned from it, right?


Ah, boring theory, or as I like to call it, dense complex thickets of thought. :slight_smile: Enjoying the read of the articles. I’m in the middle of the 2nd part at the moment, and jotting down notes as I read.

Oh, a fair amount of time ago I came up with this odd list:

  • 7 signs of a Diseased culture: Consume, Alone, Superior, One Path, One Truth, Our Way is the Right Way
  • 7 signs of a Healthy culture: Eat, Unity, Community, Tradition, Trust, Our Way is a Right Way

I couldn’t help but remember it while going through your breakdown of the 6 parts of civilized experience. Of note, one of the first things I got into when working with the American Indians Student Association (a club at the local college) -and this was truly impressed into me-- was that traditional people were always looking for connection, not disconnection. You don’t act like me, but do you like my food? What about salty or sweet? The music? Dr. Who? What can we do together? It was an absolutely consistent thread and one that really altered my life. The other one, of note, was that you were expected to put in 100% – whatever that 100% was. If you were distracted or ill or there was illness in the family, your 100% was expected to be less because you were rightfully not fully there. I appreciated not being in that “you have to do 110%” crap or “why can’t you achieve MY 100%” situation.

Your comments on psychology are certainly spot on (hint: my BS is in Psychology). Yeesh. I’m trying very hard to deprogram myself at the moment by learning several languages. One I enjoy is part of my wife’s ancestral heritage (Irish Gaelic) and their idea of a person carrying an emotion. This fits in with my experience at sweats, where they consistently say that negative events happen in life but you do NOT have to carry them forever. The sweat is to help you put them down.

My ultimate plan, linguistically, is to design some meditations / spells / chants / memetic reprogramming using Toki Pona, a constructed 120 word language specifically made to whittle thought down to some basics. Hoping I can use it to seriously rattle some shackles.

Willem got me turned on to Constructul Law; I wonder if the idea of how the energy flows can be used instead of the Body / Other duality we use currently. (yeesh. That sentence sounds vague even to me but I think I’ll develop it a little).

You have a commentary in pt 2 about ‘you’re not crazy; the world is crazy’. When I got on insurance about a year or 2 ago, there was a form I had to fill out. This signaled the social worker to immediately come in; apparently I ranked as profoundly depressed. I clearly laid out the specific things in my life that were depressing, also the fact I was functional in all aspects of my life and I was working on dealing with what situations I could. They pushed very hard to get me on medication and/or therapy, trying equally hard that I could be ‘better’ with their help. I fired back that there was no issue with being depressed over things that were actually depressing. They couldn’t seem to comprehend that. Why wouldn’t I want to take a pill and feel ‘better’? Visions of Soma dancing in my head. No thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Finished reading pt 2. Excellent posts. Thoroughly enjoyed them!

When it comes to big, bad, scary things like cannibals or earth civilization I think the best you can do is what Jesus (an enigmatic figure who I think does not fit into the ‘Bible myth’ synopsis with neat precision) suggested and love your enemies. That might sound silly.

As these so-branded enemies go through the refining life/death/rebirth cycle that love will be an important ingredient in their metamorphosis.

We all want to be good, somewhere, somehow, in some capacity. Some of us have mixed up notions of what it is to be good. Nevertheless, one day the whole race will find that inner kernel of goodness growing into a perfected loving heart. That one day being in this life or a future life.

A story that had an impact on me as a child was Ernest Scared Stupid. Spoiler alert At the end Ernest is confronted by the big, bad, scary troll. Ernest opens his arms and invites the troll to hug him. The troll instantly becomes an ally. Its hidden love was awakened.

With that I am leaving this forum. I do not think I belong here. I can see how my beliefs might seem impuissant and I do not see any other beliefs like them popping up around here.

I hope you all find ways to make a good difference in the world we live in. I think the current level of corruption is too high and too deeply ingrained and we are destined to witness a world ending catastrophe. I know I could easily be wrong. I can only guess what the Powers that Be have planned. I do know there is always hope for all of us in future lives. :slight_smile:

@Grandioseinterloper: Thanks for having spent time on this forum, I enjoyed reading your posts. Take care!

Back on topic: finding the Salmon way…
A pattern I see that shapes much of our life: people turn/run towards energy. Build a fire: people will come for the night. Dig a pond, moving soil about with a dragline, and people will come even days later to see what happened. Flip on screengadget, and people will look at it. So hard to go against it, not just individually, but you find yourself disrupting interaction, breaking social codes and worse.

I see a similarity with nature mentoring here: our culture forgot to pass on that nature connection brings health and resilience on many levels… We also forgot to teach people they have choice. Here too we may also need to look up a level: not thinking about choosing whatever (the best pop song of the year, elections, …) but choosing where we direct our attention. If we naturally turn to energy, we can change it to look at the silence/shadows. But we can also light a candle and sit with it. I’ve found that those who have not become absorbed yet by the big energy may well join you there and turn out to be open for discussing this topic.

By the way, this line of thought made me wonder if perhaps agriculture could have worked as a magnet because of all the tilling and display of energy? (“What goes on there?! Let’s go and have a look…”)

I first learned about the windigo during my Shaman studies over 30 years ago. I know of the stories but have broaden the metaphor to understand it and how it affects us deeply profound lie in a mental health way. Think of the addict or of our civilization as a stated in earlier articles above. Lately the windigo has been coming to me in my dreams and meditations it has been affecting my life deeply and I am trying hard to learn how to manage. I have seen it take my relatives with alcoholism depression anxiety and feel that it is now in me as it is always being in all of us. As has been stated in above articles and has been said by Jesus and by Buddha to sit with your enemy and have a cup of tea get to know them befriend them attend to them. So I am working hard to attend and befriend do this creature that hides in my shadow side. What choice do I have I either attend and befriend him or he devours our relationships I have in my life and then turns on me and I feel it that has already begun. You see the thing is with the windigo it is not good enough to have a partner he drives you to possess them it is not good enough to have a lover you must enslave them is not good enough to have a drink you must consume it all this is the windigo energy cannot stop and a nibble or suffice it has to have it all period and Society just because we can we do we lack are bility to hold back the windigo only through discipline can we be strong enough to keep the windigo and its place. Other cultures other stories Talk of the crazy monkey mind. If I pull from the Algonquin we have nannabush, as the creative Force. Some stories of nannabush include times where he had to make life harder for man so man would not just consume and become lazy. Thank you for the post and listening to my ramble, back to meditating and finding nannabush energy to quell the windigo. Good luck with yours. Steve

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