

Jeriah is an autodidactic polymath, which is a fancy way of saying that he is a self-motivated scholar of many disciplines. Having been introduced to religious fundamentalism, abuse, incarceration, and suffering at an early age, he has since dedicated his life to a search for meaning, truth, and beauty in this strange and sick world of ours. This pursuit has led him to some rather odd conclusions and beliefs, which he writes about in the various books and essays he has authored, as well as chairing the Hampton Institute’s Ecology and Sustainability department. Jeriah has also spent the past decade exploring these questions in his career as a wilderness therapy guide and outdoor educator, as facilitating rewilding experiences for other humans has proven to be deeply meaningful and healing for his own journey. While he shies away from labels, Jeriah is strongly influenced by anti-civilization anarchism, primitivism, deep ecology, neoluddism, animal and earth liberation, anti-modernism, ecopsychology, Jungian depth psychology, radical therapy/antipsychiatry, logotherapy, ecofeminism, animism, taoism, and wildism.

Jeriah loves to revel in wild places with fellow wild beings, some of his favorites being his partner Angie and their two furry children Bruce and Gertrude. Although his home is the Desert, he currently resides in occupied Chepenefa Kalapuya land, more commonly known to settlers as Corvallis, Oregon.