Zeitgeist - Anyone else got the chills?


Just watched it, not going to comment to much yet, except I’m kind of scared.

I found it searching the recent smashing pumpkins album ‘Zeitgeist’ and on urbanscouts latest blog entry… seems like everything is just falling into place…

check out the pumpkins song as well, doomsday clock


And from the illustrator of the pumpkins Zeitgeist album cover…

“I think global warming is an issue that is currently relevant, time sensitive, and a symptom of the shortsightedness of the U.S. As a broader metaphor, the drowning Statue of Liberty, a revered icon of the U.S., symbolizes the eminent demise of many of the ideals upon which the nation was founded. Civil liberties, freedom of speech, privacy, etc. have been decreasing since 9/11. The sun in the image could either be setting or rising and this ambiguity shows that there is still hope to turn things around… The U.S. is the dominant global force. When things are going wrong in the U.S. they are probably going wrong around the world. I think this image conveys both the U.S. situation and its larger global implications.”
– while the movie Zeitgeist doesn’t cover global warming or other environmental destruction… still…

just watched that shit last night w/ willem and penny scout. fucked up movie.

I went and watched the movie after I saw this post. Except for the religion/astrology stuff at the beginning, it appears to be a compilation of clips from other videos that have been around for a while – Ruppert’s Oct '01 lecture in Portland, Loose Change, Aaron Russo’s movie, the Money Masters DVD, a couple others. It’s extremely helpful to have all that information condensed into a single, accessible format.

Is the Pumpkins album actually related to this movie in some official way? or is it just conceptual?


Conceptual I believe…
you could say they are unrelated to each other (physically) but correlated and corresponding events.

:-\ i still havent finished watching it, and i first watched a bit of it weeks ago!
:’( such is life with a 4 month old!!!

For some more interesting info on the end of the movie…
check this


The end of the movie brings up a number of recent legislative activity that includes the passing of the REAL ID ACT of 2005, the forming of the North American Union between Mexico, Canada, and the US and the Amero, as well as RFID chips. These chips are already planted in passports, and as I have researched some commercial products, and will be on the ‘REAL ID’.

Look up the REAL ID ACT/RFID chip and more information about it because I am not going to put that all here. But the end result would be of an implantation into the body of the chip. This is sounding like 1984 or Brave New World.
And no doubt this information will be scalped up by commercial interests as this is looking like it will link to the purchases you make (and I see this as being a motive for instating the card, the potential to gain $). These are being created in theory, because of ‘homeland security and terrorism’, but well, I subscribe to the idea that something deeper is behind this, and control/globalisation/$ sounds pretty fitting to me.

Under no circumstances will I accept such a thing (and this is real, and is to be enacted in less than a year… may 2008).

I am not quite sure what the best way to go about this, in my mind I have two options. One is to stay in the system, but practice civil disobedience and protest the card, and the other is to get a group of people together and ‘leave/go outside’

Here I have some issues I’d like to mention. If you do not get this card, you may not be able to board a plane, train, or other public transportation of the like, you may find yourself unable to go to the bank, unable to get a job, as not having the correct identification you may be an ‘alien’, which could lead you to be deported or considered a terrorist threat.

So if I ‘leave’… well that’s the end goal of this all really (rewilding), the ability to leave. But as we all know that’s a pretty big step, and one that cannot happen alone. I know I’d stay in society, and if to survive, have to get said card, rather than leave alone… this would kill me tho. I think a choice might need to be made and setup BEFORE this is enacted.

The only way I see to ‘wait and see’ what will happen is to inform as many people as possible before the government pulls another trick to get everyone to buy this. Because no one will buy this now, but something could happen… they could do something… they will do something. So the masses must be informed (but this is two years in now and no one knows…)
to have large scale civil disobedience BEFORE the event to get everyone to buy this is pulled. This would take a massive effort, so it might be in a way like gambling… I don’t know how much I feel like gambling at the moment.

But even after, the world (civilized world) is still going to hell (figuratively…), and I don’t think it can be saved (or at least this way of life does not merit saving), you can do all the ‘green sustainable living’, buying organic, etc. I see it as nothing more than holding up a falling ceiling, it does nothing about the fact the ceiling is there, nor anything to really fix the problem, only temporarily stall it, until you physically collapse.
However I need to add that we should strive to save as much of the earth as possible from destruction… however… I get this feeling of helplessness…

yeah… that’s right…

So any plans? Other ideas? Conflicting ideas? My mind may not be working as I am on 3 hrs of sleep so I’d love any input anyone wants to share. If you can see what I am saying, well than I am saying we need to act now, or at least see the realisation, and begin planning now. If we are divided/individual minded we will be subjugated by this.

Fenriswolfr – I don’t know the extent of your knowledge about this issue so forgive me if I’m telling you things you already know, but there is a good amount of opposition to the spychip nightmare gaining ground all over the place. You are definitely not alone in your concern.

The National Animal Identification Act is the farm version of spychip tracking. This is legislation going on at both state and federal levels to mandate the implantation of RFID chips into every single domestic animal in the nation. It is ostensibly to make tracking and preventing food-borne illnesses and the like easier but of course it is obviously abour surveilling the population… if they wanted to track & prevent food-borne illnesses for real they would decentralize the food supply.

Anyway, the NAIS language that was included in the recent farm bill was defeated due to a lot of grassroots agitation, so that is encouraging, but iirc it still has to go through the House.

There are also some increasingly rowdy secessionist movements in Vermont and New Hampshire that are paying close attention to RFID.

As far as I know, the online center of activism against the Real ID ACT, and spychips in general, is http://spychips.com – also, if you haven’t seen the movie “From Freedom to Fascism,” there is a great deal of information in that film about it. In Zeigeist a director named Aaron Russo explained how he became friends with a Rockefeller and was horrified by what he learned of the global elite’s plans – “Freedom to Fascism” is his documentary. You can watch it online for free: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173

Clearly, spychips are the “mark of the beast,” the culmination of civilization’s drive to own and control every last bit of everything in the world. I personally won’t be getting one under any circumstances and I don’t know anyone who thinks its a good idea, especially people on the religious right.

I told one person about this and there first response was

“Damn muslims, if it weren’t for them and 9/11 none of this stuff would be happening”

But they didn’t seem to be so concerned with the act itself, but thanks Paula, I can’t claim to know everything about the topic except for about half a day of research.

Thanks for the link I shall watch.

Zeitgeist, especially where pertaining to the federal income tax, is a lot of hogwash, as such is the movie freedom to fascism. The government has ways that you don’t know, and they don’t tell you about, that you voluntarily subscribe to, that makes you eligible and legally able to be taxed. Any attempt to fight this while in the system will be shutdown, and you may subjected to a possible even bigger conspiracy of people who make conspiracy theories to reap extra charges on your frivolous arguments.

Now, the point of this forum is rewilding, and I have just talked to a man who has achieved one of the goals that the people of this forum wish to achieve. To get out of the system, and into the system, or Kingdom, of "the heavens’. This was done using the System. He’s been doing it for 14 years.
Note: Heavens is simply defined as the sky, or the above. I tend to look at it as that which encompasses all.
Kingdom is defined as:
a domain in which something is dominant

This is all for now anything further will need it’s own post which I will make when I get my sources together. Watch, I have big things, and big news for everyone here.