Why would you/do you rewild?

-Because I value natural/wild processes and I deserve to belong among them, not take over them.
-Because civ hurts my brain, my lungs, and my spirit, and it is boring.
-Because it’s a chance to thoroughly reinvent my life the way I want to live it, in a social system of my choosing.
-Because “Stone Age” “cavepeople” are intelligent, sensitive, resourceful, self-sufficient, knowledgeable, and creative. The hunter-gatherer way of life is the way of welcoming new challenges and mastering the art of connecting to a place.
-Because it might save my life.
-Because I want to.

Anyone wanna take over?

Well said, Silverarrow.

Many reasons! Thanx for askin!
Rewildin makes me feel happier than our civ., which gives me reason enough, but I also do the fun stuff:
To live sustainable, harmonized, and attuned wit th rest of th community of life as much as possible and my home wit civ. doesn’t fulfil my rewildin desires!
To get nicer, safer, simpler, and, um uh, a word I forgot.
Oh yeah, and to build upon my inner vision interests and follow’em!
To support somethin I believe in!
To kickass!
To practice th skills I most appreciate, listen to our ancestors, and th call of rewilds!.
For fun!
For freshness!
For my kind of entertainment!
For human habitat!
For you!
For we!
For real excitement!
For some more stuff, probably, but I’ll let someone else take over from here…

Hold on a sec, I got 1 mo that I can think of now: 'cause of th peopl, they, u rock!

because ‘regular’ life makes me crazy, literally.

because i feel most at home while homeless / living in my tent / being truly self sufficient.

because i love the planet

For free lunch:

-> because civilisation means spending a lot of my life doing things i really don’t want to OR need to.
-> because i am a part of nature, and i feel like i should act like it.


Because I don’t want to die before I’ve had a chance to live.

because because

)…I know what I want to hear when I awaken in the morning.
)…I know what I think will bring me the most contentment as I go about my days. Although on another level I will remain discontent as long as I know uneccessary suffering, nonchalant indifference, imposed ignorance and active cruelty surround me.
)…I’ve never had a purpose/dream that always clicked, turned the crank, felt like the correct one. Thisone do.

Because ai still hav naitmares about going back to highscool… >:(

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ROTFLMAO!!!

So true.

for the fresh air. the flowers and not car fumes, coal plants.
i’d rather do shit for myself and for friends, than somebody who sits in another room or even a building in another state. scarcity and the upward flow of profit is lame. externally caused intensification? no thanks. i’ll intensify myself when i wish to, thank you very much.
ah, a slower pace of life.
a preference for face to face contact, not mediated by screens (i like body language and scents of people, screens to date have difficulty conveying this).
i like gift giving more than debt and the accompanying guilt.
for the songs instead of noise.
rather stub my toe than get into a car accident.
no need to go to a gym for exercise (not that there is anyhow, but some seem to think so).
healthier food.
friendlier company (one would well hope).
a view of hills and trees and fields not ugly condos and business buildings.
no repetitive geometrical concrete patterns, so far as i know. beautiful barks and leaves and feathers and furs, not lifeless walls.
no bills. no rent. no bosses.
grass to lay down on, and trees to lay under.

oh, and can’t forget this one: ability to piss whenever i want, wherever i want (it’s kinda hard to get away with this in a college town when living downtown one’s surrounded by swarms of students).
AND not have to wash it down with gallons of water.

Because I want a self-sufficient, secure lifestyle where I’m not a slave, nor a slave-owner.

And for more free time.

And for the wandering.