Why so little interest/traffic/action in this part of our human existences?

There are very few topics in this section. Why? We are multi-dimensional beings: physical, “astral”, mental, spiritual, Divine. There are beings other than the meat-sacks with whom we share this rock we call home. There are an infinite number of ways to contact them, talk to them, interact with them.

Rewilding isn’t just about your meat; it’s about your soul. Heck, I’d say it’s probably more about your soul. Eating all the hunted, organic, wild meat you can, and all the gathered, organic, wild fruits and veggies, and getting plenty of sunshine and exercise mean nothing when you’re still immersed in an uncaring, overly-complex, large society that only wants you to be a cog in the machine. It’s almost better to be a sort of protester by starving oneself so as to put excess load on the societal infrastructure.

So…let’s talk.

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The lack of conversation here doesn’t surprise me. You could call spiritual technology the most invisible of all. And I feel more removed from this realm by civilization’s grasp than from any other part of primitive life. I don’t mean to say that the tendrils leading back to the spirits don’t exist, but that we deny them more than any other aspect of humanity, I think.

I have often struggled in my attempts to come to terms with ideas that defy definition. I think my body responds to spiritual activity. Every time I went to ground zero, in New York, I would get diarrhea. And I have often felt churnings in my bowels when approaching places at night that I could sense with other parts of my body (like the hair on my arms) as having a spiritual presence.

My world view used to only have two categories for the non-physical, other-than-human world: God and the Devil. I definitely don’t feel that limited and distinct of a categorization about things any more. I have tried to piece together a concept about the other world based on patterns I hear recurring in ghost stories, episodes from Castaneda’s books, and personal experiences. But I still feel very novice in anything more than praying to Jesus or the Earth or a particular plant.

crazy gets my vote.

folks talk about a ton of stuff on here, where i’d like to contribute but the excruciating experience of putting stuff into the words, so they express what i think or feel, prevents me. written words. i feel more free to work stuff out as i say it when it comes out of my mouth, not my fingers. yet i still try sometimes.

in this particular area, it gets even harder. someone made a comment about ephemeral experiences losing their value when you talk about them–sometimes that applies too.

yeah, i haven’t felt that limited in a long time, but … quite a few of my experiences overwhelm the verbal part of my brain. i can know something at a remarkably physical level, but to put it into words instead of touch/smell/sound/emotions/images … it seems like an endless well, no beginning & no ending, i have no idea how to process that into words. and i’m not entirely know that the effort should even be made.

also, there’s the crazy. you could say i have a ‘tenuous’ grasp on reality. i don’t think so myself, but … well, i can easily understand why/how others could come to that conclusion.

Rewilding isn't just about your meat; it's about your soul. Heck, I'd say it's probably more about your soul. Eating all the hunted, organic, wild meat you can, and all the gathered, organic, wild fruits and veggies, and getting plenty of sunshine and exercise mean nothing when you're still immersed in an uncaring, overly-complex, large society that only wants you to be a cog in the machine. It's almost better to be a sort of protester by starving oneself so as to put excess load on the societal infrastructure.

To me, rewilding is in it’s essence about hunting wild meat. It weaves together spirituality, economics, health, freedom, self-reliance, connection; all into one. So in that respect, I feel that many subsistence hunters, poachers and other country folk who feed themselves year-round on venison, moose meat and the like are more close to my definition of re-wilding than those who don’t hunt for their food. I am sure others here have their own definitions, to each their own I say.

I don’t see a disconnection between hunting and spirituality. If you look at many indigenous spiritual beliefs, everything is tied in together, there is not a separation between spirituality/religion and economics, the very act of hunting is a spiritual (and socio-economic) act. You enter into relationship with the animal by hunting and eating it’s flesh. Just because the hunt involves physical movement and exertion does not mean it is devoid of the spiritual. Starving myself or otherwise “being a martyr” by staging protests in some urban environment wouldn’t suit me when I could be out hunting in the country. I’ll leave the cities to the revolutionaries.

Personally, I respect the opinions of the spirits I’ve met about as much as I respect the opinioins of people. That it to say, not much. I’ve had a fair share of contact with the spirit world, and the spirits seem as petty, dishonest and foolish as us mortals. With that in mind, I don’t really bother trying to seek them out anymore. If they have something important to say, they’ll find me.

Man, my favorite was the big rush of spirit activity when my wife was first pregnant. They were all trying to be portentous and give omens and whatnot, and when I just right out told one “yeah, she’s pregnant, we’re gonna have it and keep it, anythign else you want to tell me?” the spirit got all flustered and deflated because I denied it it’s position of power over me. A lot of spirits like heirarchy too.

If anyone knows how to keep the douchebag spirits away, I’d love to hear it.


exactly. it all comes down to results, no matter what. do our choices create more life, or less, no matter what authority, culture, models of success, books, spirits, or whatever says otherwise.


[and to those that listen without ears…i thank that your tears gave birth to this poet - eat this and don’t eat me, ancestors!]

yeah, i would too, unfortunately, it seems as difficult as keeping douchebag people away. shrugs i just write 'em off and go on. not unlike what you just described.