What's your paleo superpower?

When I first started experimenting with a really rigorous application of “paleo” nutrition - no breads, dairy, sugar, artificial Flavors etc, I discovered many cool things. My “fair and prone to burning” skin suddenly was essentially sun burn proof. Wasp stings felt like needle pricks that immediately faded. Poison oak and ivy that only needed to breathe on me to get a reaction before now didn’t affect me even when going at them with a weed whacker. Sprains, wounds, etc that would get hot and puffy now stayed pale and flat. Now as a parent I’ve noticed my children have the same benefits - while other kids are slathered in sun block, mine sport and prance shirtless on the midday heat. Bee stings, though initially distressing, simply don’t swell up.

Anyway, what kinds of superpowers have you discovered while exploring primal/rewilder nutrition?


I’ve been a sloppy inconsistent eater for a number of years now, so my superhero discoveries are out of date for me personally. But I do remember, when strictly avoiding sugar, flour, caffeine, and alcohol (but not dairy, because what the hell kind of life could I lead without cream, butter, and cheese), having the most tremendous amount of energy. Not frenetic at all and so abundant. I wanted to move all the time, walk endlessly, bike endlessly, I even ran a little bit (which is very unlike me). It was beautiful! And I slept like a baby. As I’m typing this I’m realizing all I’ve given up just so I can eat hamburgers with a bun…



Wow, does nobody but Mindy and I have stories of paleo- or other suchlike unleashed superpowers? I’m amazed. If you haven’t played with nutrition and smashing industrial expectations of what is toxic, speed of wound healing, etc. etc. I encourage you to give it a shot. Diet/nutrition seems to be one of those things where folks say “I could never give up X” even when the benefits are mind-blowing. I think it’s one of the great rewilding tools is unhooking from the industrial food system, and exploring the foods that your body is asking you to eat in so many ways.

The fact that california indians made baskets out of poison oak vines should really tell you everything about all the assumptions we have as children of the modern medicine.


Not a superpower but going low-carb (some would almost say “no-carbs” paleo) made my type 1 diabetes much more manageable. It might also have helped heal my gut but I don’t have the before test to know for sure.

The one more interesting bit which might actually be described as a superpower is that by eating more fat/low-carb, I’ve been able to sustain very low blood sugars without losing consciousness and being functional. This is more due to my state of ketosis but it’s pretty incredible how low I’ve gotten while still being able to appear almost normal. That said, going that low is not something I recommend. It’s easy to have a little too many carbs and fall out of ketosis and lose the superpower.

I might also have experienced some other improvements in my health but I tend to forget about those because the impact on my diabetes management has just been life-changing (and I completely reversed early signs of retinopathy within 12 months of the changes).


These totally count as superpowers!

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I’ve been meaning to switch to a pale diet after reading Sri Yukteswar Giri’s “The Holy Science”. It’s similar if not the same as the yogic diet in which he explains eating foods natural to the human system reeves us whereas foreign foods create stagnation of energy and eventual dis-ease.

Will definitely try it …after 4th of july. Anyone have a paleo sample grocery list they’d like to share?


Well mostly vegetables and some protein is one way to go. Piles of dense greens like collards, kale, chard, etc. Carrots, celery, radishes, bell peppers. Eggs for breakfast protein can be hard boiled for portability. If you do salads you might enjoy oiling them up pretty good with olive oil or animal fats. Man this is a big topic there is literally an entire universe of paleo blogs out there. However the main points are stick mostly to veggies and protein, some fruit. No sugar, syrups, dairy (for most folks), processed foods. And get fish oils in you somehow. They provide omega 3 anti-inflammatory powers. You can also eat insects and get omega 3 fats from them, or grass-fed animals have them too. The corn fed nightmare farm animals do not.

When done well eating paleo/primally/whatever should feel like you’ve never eaten better, not like you are depriving yourself. It really does feel quite good and seems to wake up taste buds after some strange dormancy under industrial foods. Everything tastes better after a while.

Also consider it an experiment not a religion. Explore and journal what works and what doesn’t and how you feel. Every body is different.


I went no grains for a few years after a (possibly) misdiagnosed gluten allergy & was only recently retested for something completely separate (possibly a side effect of long term detoxing) & told I could go back on grains again - I did… even though I can’t make sense of it my immune system is insane without grains. Everything everyone mentioned above + autoimmune imbalance concerns I’ve had since childhood - GONE - like AlexNormand I found this overshadowed all the other not so minor perks.


I haven’t committed to a paleo diet and I know I never can, I enjoy the sweet tastes of corn and milk far too much, but I’ve made a lot of other major changes for the better. Simple things like hiking, climbing, martial arts, meditation, squatting to pee…All those add up to make a huge difference. But the best cure is just staying outside as much as you can, hot or cold, rain or shine, romping through the woods and prairie with your family: the plants and other animals. Even a lava rock or deer skull feels like a dear friend.

I used to drink 4-6 cans of soda way back in the day until I met my mate, who drinks absolutely nothing but water and encouraged me to do the same. I still drink quite bit of milk, fresh juice, and herbal teas, and a cup of something hot and caffeinated in the morning, but mostly distilled water. I wouldn’t trust the purest well water in this age of poison. I also haven’t taken any manmade medication since I was 14 and forcibly vaccinated, and I’ve been feverish sick maybe 4 times in the past 10 years. Though I do have nerve problems in my arm from those vaccines.

Never really had any major health problems, so it’s hard to think of what has improved. Most of my issues are psychological (depression, panic attacks, Asperger’s) that have led to under-eating, so there’s the lethargy, coldness, and extra anxiety that comes with that. But those problems fade as I gain more weight. Getting outside and moving, as well as meditating to rest my overly-analytical mind, are the remedy for my depression. Cannabis also helps.

And as for that particular herb, it also helps my eyes. I’ve been badly nearsighted since at least 9, was told I was pre-glaucoma, but my intra-ocular pressure has been reduced since I started smoking. And as much as I love reading, taking a break from books over the last year has noticeably improved my overall vision. Still pretty shitty, but I never thought it’d get better at all. Anything else…Well I’ve always had oily hair and skin, was forcibly medicated with dandruff shampoo and acne cream by my mom until I was 10, but everything cleared up since I stopped using soap. Still not good enough for her though because she thinks hair is supposed to be brittle and dry.

You all have way worse health problems than me, so your improvements are much greater than mine. I attribute my health to God’s grace and starting early. I’ve been strongly anti-pharma since I was 11, my only “slip-up” was that round of vaccine for school, but no aspirin or antibiotics in a decade. Less time for toxins to build up, less disease to remedy down the road. Damn I hope that doesn’t sound like victim-blaming though, I just got lucky and was bright for my age. Most 11 year olds simply don’t have a clue or a care what goes in their body.

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“Most 11 year olds simply don’t have a clue or a care what goes in their body.”

I know so people like this, I dont want to drag too much politics onto this site but I live in the US & current tries at “public healthcare” has been met with comments like “there are too many sick people & not enough healthy people” … but I look at how people are educated to care for themselves & even in some cases how doctors are educated to care for people & whats “normal” now to put into a human being vs. whats subsidized.

People keep being told things good for them by authority figures (parents, schools, doctors, experts who make products) & unless they think about it, theyre not going to notice, that most of it doesnt make any sense to put into a human.

Well, I happen to be a wizard! A soothsayer! A prognosticator! I have the power to see into the future!

Ketosis taught me that I had Ulcerative Colitis. Been strict high fat/low carb since and can’t imagine how I spent so much of my life before shitting all the time.
My real superpower is how I’m going to be writing a lot of books, but I’ll spare the world of that one.

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what are everyone’s favorite primal / rewilded nutrition education resources, and why?

with the mass commercialization / fad aspect of “paleo”, it’s so important to find comprehensive and legitimate information sources. right now i’m working my way through The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne (2013), which takes a somewhat deeper look at nutrition science & biology, specifically gut health mechanics, in the context of the paleo diet… look forward to your replies! :green_heart:


Primal Body, Primal Mind is my highest recommendation. Ketosis > paleo


thanks K.T. i will check it out! :relaxed:

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I’m going to try and get Nora (the author) to do some stuff with Rewild Portland. She lives here in Portland. :smiley:


Excellent. In terms of people to focus on “cross over,” she’s on my list. I’m sending her a bunch of stuff once no 4 gets back from the press. I really like her approach, focusing less on “correct Paleo” and more on “we’re in recovery and nomadic hunter-gatherers didn’t have factories to worry about” in terms of moving forward. Great stuff in her work.