What A Way To Go: Life At The End of Empire

Hey all,

This documentary is suppose to be one of the best yet when it comes to exploring why civilization isn’t sustainable and will eventually collapse.

You can watch the trailers here:


The Tribe of Anthropik just did a blog post on it, too:


Take care,


I really want to see this.

I really want to see this.

Yeah, me too. I’m trying to put together some people to have a screening in my area.

Take care,


this does look like a must see.

I watched it in Pittsburgh with the anthropik folks. It’s a great one. Sums it all up in 2 hours!

Has anyone bought it since it came out on DVD? I did, and it was just awesome. Get it!

I noticed this thread when it first got posted but didn’t take heed to it, I feel like an ignorant bastard in that respect. I just watched the movie (documentary) a little over a month ago, loved and learned a lot from it.

I really liked it. It does a really good job of summing things up, and pulling you in emotionally. They speak to some people who are not very good talkers though, and because of that I think that trolls could poke some holes in the arguments, but as an introductory primer, it works. Just, don’t tell someone to stop there.

I just watched it, and personally I was disappointed. I wanted something I could give to people outside “the choir” and I think most people who don’t already agree with the thoughts of your average liberal/leftist environmentalist would probably just scoff at or be confused by this movie.

The people being quoted just aren’t particularly credible…hearing some artist from California say “we’re fucked” after the narrator narrates a long poetry-slam style string of buzzwords familiar to anyone who already reads Derrick Jensen (“genocide…global warming…deforestation…toxic waste…peak oil…”) just isn’t going to speak to those who don’t already share our language about this stuff.

Personally I thought a movie like this was desperately needed at this particular moment in history. I was just hoping for something that would speak to a more diverse set of people.

It was okay. I agree with RedWolfReturns, there are too little films to attract people outside of this movement, or well, simple movies. But I guess that is a hard thing to do.

“What a way to Go” has recently been put up on youtube, for those who haven’t seen it:

I think its pretty good, but I’m split on it’s usefulness as a “gateway”. One would have to be open minded and willing to listen to get whats being said.

I’m probably going to spread it around anyway, and hope for the best. Really, when you think about it, how do you show this stuff to someone without them freaking out or going into complete denial?

i watched it a while back with some of my family and they responded by getting offended. one person even got up and left the room.

on the whole, i thought it was pretty good. my only complaints would be the strange choice of a few of the speakers ( the “students” and “artists”) and that it isn’t very “accessible” to people who aren’t already somewhat familiar with the ideas.

Very curious to know what they took offense to…

I can see someone easily getting offended by something critiquing the culture they partake in.

I can see someone easily getting offended by something critiquing the culture they partake in.

Just to add to this. As Derrick Jensen pointed out in THE CULTURE OF MAKE BELIEVE, people can become offended to the point where they will kill those who challenge their worldview.


i think it’s a lot to stomach, and can make you feel incredibly guilty if you identify with this culture in the way that most people do. like DJ says, if you believe that your sustenance, your life is dependent on food from the supermarket, then you will do everything you can to defend it from any attacks because as far as you know, that super market is your life and the life of your loved ones. if someone comes along and attacks it (either verbally or physically) you will do what you can to defend it because to you that attack is a personal offense, it threatens your vary life.

the movie does a great job of defining exactly what civilization is doing to the planet, but if you identify with civ like most people do, it comes accross as an accusation. and who wants to admit to raping and destroying the planet? i think it’s a very logical reaction to get up and walk away if you think someone is accusing you of crimes as extreme as that.

to me the movie really revealed how much this culture is a culture of denial because of the way my family reacted to it. i think most people (at least to some extent) realize what they are taking part in, but the guilt is too overwhelming and makes them want to turn a blind eye and look away. it’s too much for most people to stomach. and when they can’t avoid it, they go on the defensive as if they’re being attacked because they’re civ bubble is in danger of being popped.

I see the film is no longer on YouTube. You’d think someone who is concerned about these macro-level problems would be more concerned about getting the word out than profit. I’m sure he’s got bills to pay or whatever, but perpetuating civilization’s intellectual property fixation does not display a good sense of priorities.

It was just starting to pick up in views/comments, too :-\

Does anyone else find it slightly strange that this film is met with disgust, denial, and anger, when something like “The Matrix” was an enduring smash hit, which still has a great following?

Does no one want the “Red pill”?

Morpheus: "You have to understand that many people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
I'm sure he's got bills to pay or whatever, but perpetuating civilization's intellectual property fixation does not display a good sense of priorities.

I’m sure is wasn’t cheap to make. The last I heard is that Tim and Sally had a long ways to go before they broke even.


[quote=“kveldulf, post:18, topic:261”]It was just starting to pick up in views/comments, too :-\

Does anyone else find it slightly strange that this film is met with disgust, denial, and anger, when something like “The Matrix” was an enduring smash hit, which still has a great following?

Does no one want the “Red pill”?[/quote]

No, they don’t. They do, however, want to live in computers and have mad kung-fu skillz.