TV Links greatest imo

So I’ve been browsing the documentaries on TV-Links -

And I’ve found some pretty good ones, recently, a BBC program called Horizons under documentaries. I’m having a problem however with Divx and can’t watch anything hosted by it… but I can watch everything else.

So far I’ve watched Pandemic - end of times - and global dimming

pandemic and global dimming are quite scary, end of times, while attempting realism, is a quick one day story, it just looks at how that one day would look, still fun to watch though.

There are several other videos in there that are good to watch too, I also found crude awakening, the oil crash - on google video.

The pandemic one I watched last night after looking up the bird flu when I heard 3 people died of it, on an Indonesian island (I think) that had not been affected before, on the radio.

Global dimming I just watched as well, and found it interesting/scary because I had never heard of it before and the way it links with global warming… The predictions at the end of the film are troubling.

Here’s the Horizons link

I was half way through the second season of Curb Your Enthusiasm when it dissappeared!? Fuck that! Bring it back, yo.

has anyone seen this?

Century of the self

if it’s not available to watch from there just google
Century of the self