This Tom Brown, christian fundamentalism, one-right-way bullshit.
im not an evangelist here…
ive just been messing with wilderness skills…
a long time… along the way, magical things happened…i wanted to simply help you see that there is a whole aspect to “scout awareness” that your page leaves out… or maybe even ignores on purpose… could it be that it is too taboo? are you scared? afraid of what your city friends might think?
and to maybe help you see that there are people who look at your page longing for the whole picture and you are missing a big chunk of the pie…
your page said you were looking for like minded people to be friends with… well thats me!
i felt as if you are mocking thousands of years of traditional lessons…
sometimes its like not being able to see the trees for the forest… we focus so hard that we miss something big…
i guess when i see that label “scout” it means something more than Boy Scouts’ hand to mouth techniques to me…
my indian friends would be insulted by your page…
yet these are the same people who you have taken your whole Schtick from…
some of the people you insult… are the people who could point you to places that you cannot possibly imagine…
i still want you to add me as your friend… i wouldnt disrespect your page… i might punk you out in private…
(not reallY)i feel like anyone who truly longs for the skills of wilderness, survival or urban survival…
is a friend to me…or should be.
we are all children on the greater journey into the mystery… into the unknown…
doubt is a HUGE blockage in this world…
ask yourself… do you want your page and work to read as comedy? if so its a relatively small “ha ha” moment compared to the greater things that are possible you are missing through doubt and self denial… (i am assuming by the reply you gave me)
i wrote to you because i see value in what you are doing…
you shouldnt assume that you have it ALL figured out…
i dont assume to either
by interacting with others who share the same interests… we could help each other… you have knowledge that i do not…
i have knowledge that you do not…
have you ever made a shagbark hickory torch with a cattail wick that you can dunk in water and then blow right back into a flame? see what i mean? its endless man…
all i truly hoped to do was have a thought inspiring conversation and to hopefully add a new friend who has a cool page…
yes… you have a cool page…
but it could be so much more…
yet you seem to doubt…
as an artist it took years for me to open up to criticism from others… but the fact of the matter is… the more open i am to opinions of others no matter how great or small… the more effective i become at actually making work that touches people on a real and personal level… the greater change i can effect… therefore the more powerful my works become…
i dont look down on you…
even though i have lived a decade longer than you have i would consider you a peer…
this earth really doesnt need us… if we get too rowdy she will shake us off like fleas and although she is ill…
she will be ok… but we people need to learn to help each other and give a shit before its too late… do you really think that the medicine men couldnt heal people? i tell you that they still are out there healing and it is very real… not some myth from the past…
even if you dont add me… because u think im a critic just trying to knock you… ( i assure you thats not my objective…i really am only trying to point out something that i felt was missing… and i come with honesty and sincerity)
even if… you dont… i URGE you to practice meditation as part of your project…and by all means write about it… you are a good writer…
if you are going to call yourself a scout, honor those from whom you are borrowing… neither the skills or the knowledge belong to you… they belong to all… (unfortunately they are not mine either!)
scouts were highly attuned to nature AND spirit…
they sacrificed self for the greater good of the people…i cant put belief in your heart… i cant remove your doubt…
but i promise you this…
if you spend enough time in nature ALONE it will happen naturally… i dont know if the suburbs are the best place to connect but i cant deny that i have had powerful experiences there as well as deep in the woods
at any rate… i didnt come here and spend my time contacting you to preach any gospel…
i came hoping to make a new friend…
and again i do love the project… and you deserve alot of praise for your hard work…
i just hope to see you add that one missing piece of the pie… maybe it could even be the master stroke of your project… maybe you will disregard my criticisms and forget about it… and thats ok too… but you wont be cheating me… i still think that i get alot of hits and i could introduce your project to alot of folks…
because whether you realize now or not…
you are on a search… your project is not superficial laughs and a mere collection of interesting data…a novel all that is well and fine… but you ARE seeking a much deeper connection…
your inner self longs for it…
otherwise, you are just a sham in a Teepee in your parents back yard… getting paid to write a clever blog about a subject you only pretend to embrace… in between sessions with your ipod… and “living vicariously through your friends” at the bar…
“get saved” however you see fit man…
but dont say you want to meet like minded people if you only want them to agree with you without compromise…
i actually found your work through youtube and then searched on myspace hoping to find you and did…
and now i wonder why you didnt add me?
because i ribbed you about using your inheritance?
hell man if i had one… i would probably have done something very similiar…
i wasnt hatin…
add me or dont…
but remember that everything we do comes back to us…
we are all connected…
and for cryin out loud…
wash your underwear.