The world through my eyes

First off mods, shift this into another board if its more appropriate there.

Ok so onto the topic at hand. This may sound wierd, but i see people different from what other see them. Of course there is no real way of knowing except comparing 2 or more ppl. For example my sister and a cousing of mine look very similar (physically), or so i am told (i dont see it ever). Our family members confuse them sometimes. But i dont see it, they are very different people (character wise). But i do see similarities in people, only when some part of who they are or how they behave etc matches. Like i know 2 friends of mine who are sort of egoists, they look nothing alike physically. I dont get them confused (cuz the similarities end there physically and otherwise), but i see them as so similar to each other, that i cud get em confused if i was sleepy or a little out of it. Mind you in the physical world they look nothing alike.

And this is not even with people i know (note when i say people i include trees, animals, other spirits etc, in this case anything i can see that has a spirit). Any thots? anyone have a similar way of seeing things?