The Rewild Adventure Guide

So some of you may know that I’ve begun working on my personal vision of rewilding in book form.

I’ve started posting draft excerpts on my blog and would love to hear feedback. This feedback will help create the final version of the book.

I’ve got a cool illustrator and everything, too! Very exciting.

My most recent excerpt:

awesome, that’s pretty eye->mind opening,
I used to read the redwall books alot, and I think my favourite part of them (other then the songs and battle cries) were the riddles, but I’ve never looked/thought about them that way.

[quote=“Fenriswolfr, post:2, topic:634”]awesome, that’s pretty eye->mind opening,
I used to read the redwall books alot, and I think my favourite part of them (other then the songs and battle cries) were the riddles, but I’ve never looked/thought about them that way.[/quote]

Didn’t you know? Redwall = 'Rewalld", like saying it in a southern us accent. hee. Reeewalllding.

Anyway, thanks. :slight_smile:

I would be very interested to talk to you about Rewild, Adventure and what it means to you. I write ab blog about starting a company concerned with getting people to spend quality time outdoors, exercise without realising and opening up space for the extraordinary to happen. Check it out!blog/c224c.

Great to read some of you stuff.