I’m super excited nowadays about the conversations I read on the internet. I feel like all kinds of folks are connecting and affirming feeling heard, speaking out, and speaking ever-more-eloquently and bluntly (not mutually exclusive concepts!) about ending misogyny, white privilege, and colonial thinking.
I’m super excited about conversations about ending cultural appropriation.
I’m super excited about women, indigenous peoples, people of color, finding their voices - or probably said more accurately, finding opportunities to use their voices more publicly.
I have no problem being stripped down for being “white” or having "white privilege. For “mansplaining”, for transphobia, for misogyny, for my blindspots and ignorance. For my unintended cultural appropriations.
It’s an awesome feeling. I love it. Well most of the time.
I see so many white people, and white men, panicking about all of this. It’s pretty hilarious.
I don’t think anything can possibly really happen before civilization gets much further into its crash than it currently is. There are no resolutions when rights are given or taken away in accord with who has the most men with guns to back them up.
But still. It’s a great time to be alive. “It was the best of times - it was the worst of times.”