you go willem! i so wish i’d seen that. i, too learned the “wait for open mouth, jam mouth around nipple” technique. we had horrendous difficulty getting a good latch, which led to a shredded nipple :’(, which required an extended rest from nursing on that side, which led to clogged ducts and mastitis.
the plethora of “harmless” drugs coursing through both of our systems from the c-section probably didn’t help, either–a whole 'nother story.
the important message this video offers me: let the kid figure some things out on his/her own! we do so much pre-emptive “teaching” that takes away from our kid’s growth. the patience with which the parents and other helpers in that video gave that child the gift of self-determination speaks volumes. i love it!!!
did anyone read The Continuum Concept? This reminds me of the way the Yequana let the kids figure out their own limits around the hazards of their environment (cliffs, fire, knives. . .). Parents of our young children run themselves ragged, chasing the kids around so they won’t ever get hurt. Granted, we no longer have a whole ancient system around us that supports that way of living, but what an important thing to try to bring back so our rewilded kids can benefit from long forgotten wild instincts. . .