The Alphabet Versus the Goddess

Have you read the book the Alphabet Vs. the Goddess? I’m reading it now. We’re reading it as part of our rewilding book club here in Portland. It’s pretty interesting but also feels somewhat convoluted. I think it might blow my mind if I was more familiar with the religious history he is piecing together. I feel like it’s jumping around in history too much for me to follow. It also feels like there are great leaps of faith one would need to take. It’s also heavily based on the “men are left-brained and women are right-brained” idea that has been disproven. Some of his concepts of gender feel a bit off and based in civilized mentality. I’m a little over 100 pages in and struggling to keep going. Thoughts?

Ahh, a rewilding book club, now that sounds good!

Not having read it myself, your description of the struggles you’re encountering brought up an image in my mind, where you draw the various chapters/topics and the “leaps of faith” as arrows with a short description. So too for the division/categorization and your apprehensions thereto. Perhaps even using different colors to jot down where you share the line of thought and where you don’t.
Hope this helps.