Stuck between two worlds,help?

i emailed derrick jensen to ask him for some advice,i want some perspective from fellow rewilders,what do you think?

is this derrick,if so i have some questions for you,first off let me start off by saying that your book has changed my life in a positive way,ok well for for you to understand my question,i like you have a civilization caused disease,Im confined to an electric wheelchair because I have muscular dystrophy, at night i use a ventilator with a nose mask giving me the air i need at night so i can be energized throughout the day,without this breathing tool i wouldnt be able to live more than a few weeks. but then i understand how the health of the natural world is kind of like me,it struggles everyday slowly getting weaker but but this disease is called i guess what im wondering is how do i sort this out,Ive started a community garden,i think conciously with myself and all other living beings,but i feel stuck between two worlds,the natural world and industrial world,like tug of war but im in the middle,i know ur not a prophet or an idol but youve woken me up,what is your advice on how to cope with this?
--peae & anarchy

Well, im gonna say that rewilding doesnt have to be an either/or position. Things might change slowly or quickly, but im pretty much convinced we wont wake up one day and find all the trees grown back and all tech gone.

Our lives are lived in that transitional period. Stuck between two (or much more) worlds as you say. You find a way that is acceptable to live for YOU in the time between worlds.

take care