So one thing that I have been really getting into is collecting my own drinking water. To go with your glass bottle to a place where water spews fourth from the earth and to drink your fill is truly an amazing experience. Past generations once celebrated the healing powers of water and many more people today are becoming aware of it. is a website that can be visitor updated to show the location of established springs all across the world. Its a great site. I bet there’s a source of spring water right near you that you were never aware of. Obviously one should not update the site with wild, private or “secret” springs, keep them special, but definitely check out the site and your local spring and update it if you know of other places in your area. When consuming spring water you can either drink it raw or filter and purify it. I prefer the raw method. Springs are the only source that you can drink directly from, as the water comes directly out of the bedrock. Although of course one should always be mindful as aquifers can be contaminated. Check for very cool, clear, quick moving water. Check the stream that flows from the spring for signs of a healthy ecosystem, see if other people or animals have been drinking there as well. When you fill your bottle look at the quality of the water, are there a lot of particles or is it better than bottled? You can even go so far as to test the PH and TDS readings. I like to know the PH so that I can keep my body balanced. Gathering your water is a great feeling and it brings you closer to the earth. Check out your local spring today!
bump This easy to use site still works
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