There are some question that you just don’t know how to answer sometimes. Most of the time they are things like “how do you know her?” or smthg of that sort. To me it is “what religion r u?” or “what is ur spiritual path” or smth, really.
the issue is not that i have a confusion about my beliefs and where they lie, on the contrary. I have a very nice and fully developed spirituality, I am a phil major and read a lot of religious and philosophical stuff. The issue is i am afraid to step on toes.
Let me explain. After a long search, i finally arrived at what seemed to be a spirituality that is my own (in some sense) and made sense to me. If i where to “label” my religious beliefs i would say ‘Daoist Shaman’ is the closest i can get. The Daoist part i do not have much of an issue with, since when i read daoist philosophy it was like the guy was writing was was in my head, it was scary. (Note: as a student of the ancient eastern philosophies i see religion as more of a spiritual practice of philosophical beliefs or smthg of the sort).
My issue is the shaman part. I am afraid to step on a LOT of toes here, and be misunderstood at best (i have poorly designed RPG’s to thank for that). I am an animist at heart, left to my own will i follow a daoist way of life, and i converse with spirits as a part of my daily rituals etc. I ask them for advice, help anything. My oldest and dearest friend is the wind spirit. Or one of them, i have strange feeling there is more than 1 there. And i think this plays an important part in my spirituality. Closest thing i can find is “shaman” so should i continue to use it. What should i tell people i am a “shaman” a “daoist shaman” a “pagan” i have no idea, anyone like to help?
Note: two things, i realise that a) labels are not important and b) i seem to be confusing religion, philosophy and spirituality. for (a) i say i am aware but i like to have a lable anyways. and for (b) i say, yes yes, i promise you its not a confusion, this arises from the fact that a lot of my core beliefs stem from ancient eastern tradition of philosophy. Most of whom do not differentiate between religion and philosophy. To me religion = spiritual sytem build on philosophical belief sytem and its practice. or smthg close to that.