I am going to try and understand Billy’s question here as he is asking it.
The main component of the question ‘self-righteousness’
I think Urby and Williem both have done a great job directly addressing ‘righteousness’.
Now I will add the ‘self’ component.
Here’s an example I see over the internet. Efficiency. Primitivity. reduction.
I see a trend to apply the logic of one to the actions of others, and create a mode of righteousness that becomes ‘self-righteousness’
for example, one may say ‘i don’t do it that way’
that is fine. that is self-contrast.
another may say ‘you should do it this way…’
and despite benign intention, the sensitive, the deeply discerning, may see the seed of self-righteousness.
and I think it’s important to recognize and embrace this seed, but nurture it in a way so that the plant bears fruit for the people, not for the self.
let’s imagine ourselves in a more human, less dominator world.
each tribe maintains a ‘way of things’ that can easily be contrasted. In orde to preserve these ways of tthings, at the same time, they must be help to a regard that may appear to be ‘self-righteous’ but is really ‘group-righteous’, while also allowing new groups to form form new splinter families, all the time. There would not have been 1200 American languages pre-columbus had the dominator self-group-righteousness tactics of indo-europeans had been employed.
and so, as we stive to act as these theoretical theoretical tribes of one, we bounce into these walls where sometimes it only looks like self-righteousness but in actuality it’s group-righteousness of a group of one, but I think it is still common for the vestiges of self-group-righteousness to rear up on it’s hind legs, positioning itself for a strike.
What we can do as individuals is choose to suggest to others only as it would benefit one’s own loved ones. If your suggestion to someone else has no bearing on the multiple securities of your loved ones, then you are simply being self-righteous. When you suggest ‘this way is better’, you are cutting yourself off from the other ways, that are in fact, better, in favor of your way, which you are positioning as ‘righteous’, but is merely a suggestion form one society, one culture, to another.
What we can do as individuals living in groups is respect and understand why none of us are perfectly efficient, perfectly humble, perfect in any understanding in any endeavor. What we can do is realize that no matter how simply we choose to live, how complex we choose to live, it isn’t the bottom, we haven’t arrived, and that we are ALL on a journey.
We can uplift people by asking them if they have what they want, and help them get what they want. We can uplift people by asking them if the know who they are, and if we can help them understnad that. We can uplift people by asking them why they are here, and where they want to be, and help them see the way.
Otherwise, without the permission of others, all actions, even the most benign and well intentioned, are sel-service, and self-righteous.
I hope I wasn’t being too obtuse with this one, I hope I was answering your questions. If I were to share this with other people, what coaching would any of you suggest?