Roadless land

taken from Ralph Maughan’s Wildlife

Nelson Guda has developed and deployed an incredible new resource for the location, description, and maps of the roadless areas.

His website allows users to look at photos and comments about individual roadless areas and to upload their own comments and photos.

I checked it out, it’s pretty cool, it shows the roadless areas in bright green, kind of depressing tho, I mean, I’m from MI and there are just two little dots…

I think I might want to move to Idaho (it was actually about my favourite area when I drove from MI to WA.

I used to live in Idaho. I’m pretty sure that Idaho has more “wilderness” than any other state except Alaska. It’s a beautiful place. N Idaho has an incredibly diverse forest. What is sometimes called “interior rainforest”. Trees and plants that you would usually find on the west coast like W. Red Cedar, Hemlock, Yew. Some of the biggest timber east of the Cascades.
If you want to find a wild place, that is about as wild as you will find in the lower 48 and it hasn’t become fashionable like other places have.
People are pretty straight for the most part when you get out of the major towns. Not a bad thing in my opinion. Very little pretentiousness. A pretty live and let live attitude. I guess they figure the climate and terrain will sort people out pretty quick.

Yeah it was N. Idaho I went through, it was beautiful. The other place I loved was the cascades.

Very cool tool, but some of the IDs are a bit off for this part of Wyoming. Oh well, it is still fun and interesting to play with. On a related note, I read the editorials in the paper today, and just about screamed. Some expletive deleted was going on and on about how we don’t need anymore wilderness areas in Wyoming, we already have too much, because by god, it will impede on his oil and mining claims. He actually used the phrase “burr under my saddle”, not once, but twice. Anyway, I thought it was humourous after I got passed the irritated stage.