RIKKARUOHO, ecoanarchist action days 8.-10.5. in Helsinki, Finland

RIKKARUOHO (means weed in Finnish, and not pot-weed, just plants you weed from the garden)
Green anarchist action days in Fri 8. - Sun 10.5.2009
@ Sosiaalikeskus Sompasaari, Kyläsaarenkatu 11, Helsinki, Finland

-recognition and use of wild greens
-communities - traditional ecovillages and anarcho-primitivistic/nomadic
-organizing rewilding camps in Finland, for example Anarcho-Primitivist Gathering 2010 in Finland
-primitive skills meetings, local/travelling around
-the situation of the Sámi people
-handicraftsworkshops, for example making baskets/nets/light shoes
-local exchange economies and web forums
-polyamory discussion (polyamory= one has several steady partners/friend-lovers)
-closeness/sex discussion (if we want we can organize separately an orgy too!)
-plant medicine
-natural way to bring children up
-natural birth control
-straight action (or what is is in English?), defending nature
-discussion on where to go to learn primitive skills, schools etc
-climate change
-gene manipulation
-nuclear power

-Last Yoik in Sámi Forests
-Dead Society
-What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire, with clips of Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen, Chellis Glendinning, Richard Heinberg, Richard Manning, Jerry Mander and others.

etcetc bring your ideas and movies!

Shopping alley
Sell/give your zines and books! Patches, handicrafts and tables of NGOs related to green anarchism also welcome.

The structure will probably be something like:
09-10 breakfast
10-12 workshop 1
12-13 lunch
13-15 workshop 2
15.30-17.30 workshop 3
17.30-18.30 dinner
movies, playing our own instruments and dancing in the evening

(quoted from http://savagemeetskeypad.blogspot.com/ )

Will it be held in finnish, swedish or english? The former two would be okay, but sadly i don’t understand the first one (however awesome it is :stuck_out_tongue: )

I will forward your question to Ronja.

Oh, good point, forgot to put that on the ad.

It will be held in Finnish, but everyone in Finland knows English so there will always be someone to translate everything. Other languages will be translated if there’s someone who can in the room.