Rewilding on Wikipedia

I’d like us to spruce up the page on rewilding at Wikipedia. Anyone want to help? Come join me.

The page was obviously created by Anarcho-primitivists and not “Rewilders”. Therefore, there is lots about anarchy and the more “anti-civ” stuff on there rather than the “Indigenous families managing the land” aspect that Rewilders focus on.

So yeah, come help me out!

It is important to fill this page with content and good references because wikipedia is an established place for people to seek knowledge on a subject. I feel that it is a good way to “market” rewilding by having the information present and neutral on wikipedia. If we really want more people to come to rewilding, I think having a thorough wikipedia page is a great place to start.

ah fuck it. I guess we are not “notable” enough for wikipedia anyway. Looks like they are going to delete the article all together. Fine with me. :smiley: