Rewilding in small city

I had to work outside today so I took this chance to collect some Chestnut Oak

Blurry image but these suckers are 1.5 inches long

Things I’ve read say they are good raw; NOT MY FAVORITE. Anywho my experiment will be to see if I can leech the tannins out of these acorns more easily than the White Oaks that grow in my yard, which takes around three days. Stay tuned… Here are some pictures of me at work

This is my pal. It’s a Knife called “Woodman"s Pal”

This is a noble weapon and the signature tool of my trade.There were some small pecans on this site too(smaller than these huge acorns)…perfect for immediate consumption. Also two rather large shaggy Chow dogs, Perhaps good pit cooked with mustard and vinegar sauce:-)

grog, I hope you don’t mind, I changed your image links to make them embedded images. You can use the img tags around your link like this:


Your signature tool kicks my signature tools ass :D. What is your trade? I get to brandish a puny head, or round knife for leather working.

rewilding a small city? Sounds like urban forestry to me. Give me a machete and a small 'hawk, and turn me lose. Invasive species beware!!! Clearing brush is a joy, even with posion ivy, snakes n skeeters. ALL PRIVET, ENGLISH IVY AND MIMOSA MUST DIE!