~rewilding blogs~

Hey Everybody,

I just realized that there are many of us here who keep blogs related to rewilding, so I thought it might be nice to have a place where people post their links.

I write poems and generally post things related to my own Rewilding path. Mostly thoughts and feelings for now, but maybe I’ll start posting some of the more physical stuff I do in the future. The most powerful and noticeable aspect of Rewilding in my own life is actually how my Rewilding continually evolves and changes. It really hasn’t been something with a fixed definition, ever, which I find really cool. At the same time, there are moments when I have a hard time “defining” it to others, specifically because it is such personal process. I liken it to a continual self discovery of my true nature. But because of this, I’ve found the best definition of rewilding is really in how it is displayed in the lives of people who live it as such a personal process of discovery. It seems like blogs are a really helpful tool in sharing that process, whatever that might look like.

So anyways, Here is my current blog.

In the Language of Bees


I know several of you have really neat blogs too…