This scene in “the book of eli” is something like this: The guy hunts a cat and then, while roasting it suspended over a fire, as the fat slides down the body of the cat, he places some container where it is dropping. The cat was held in some inclination, i mean, not completely horizontal, so the fat would slide along the surface of the flesh, instead of just dropping on top of the fire.
I was thinking it might be possible to make some kind of funnel-shaped basket to put the fat into and hold it near to a fire in an inclination enough to make the fat slide down to any kind of container which would be far away enough from the fire.
Another idea would be making something like an Oil wood lamp. The first time i saw it on youtube it was maybe not eht same video but, anyway…
Maybe some modifications could be made to make the fat flow in the needed direction.
One last memory just came to my mind, but please dont continue reading if you are a bit sensitive about life/death things, blood or this kind of stuff. This i heard is really nasty.
I dont remember how long ago, i was watching one of this TV programs about UFOs and stuff. They were talking about some insane rich guy who used to get kids fat for some superstition ritual. The thing is that for getting the fat out of the corpses (as they explained) loads of candles would be light around it and some bucket under it.
So, i think there should be a way to do it. Anybody ever tried anything or have any thoughts?
BTW: It is all about just practicing… i know. and it is not like i dont like to do practical things… my problem is just that practicing anything alone is getting way too sad