So lately I have just been feeling, blah… been procrastinating extensively when I know I shouldn’t, been playing too much video games too, visiting too many forums, not getting outside enough, exercising enough, etc. etc. Been hardly able to sleep… just feeling blah…
I think I need to get out and do more, and I think relying on my car might result in these conditions, because it make me procrastinate right from the start of the day, that I don’t have to get up till the last minute, do anything till the last minute, etc. So… I’m going to walk to school, because my bike tire went flat and I broke the shift cable (at the same time riding home from school the other week, weird coincidence). Anyhow, it’s 3 miles, so a 6 miles walk a day I think will do me good, get me active in the morning, and preparing more for the day rather than last minuting everything and living in sleepless dull feeling. I also need to just get out more, and be more disciplined, so maybe, this will help me with that.