When you use a poison dipped arrow to kill an animal, how is it that the poison doesn’t affect those that eat it? Kill a monkey (mammal) people (also a mammal) eat it. Could i eat a rat killed by rattle snake poison?
I think that a poison is used which is toxic to the animal but not to humans.
I dont think so, most rattlesnakes have Hemotoxic venom, (The eastern diamondback being an example) said venom causes massive hemorrhaging and organ rupture.
Also, many poisons traditionally used by hunting and fishing people are the sort that are neutralized by cooking.
if i remember correctly, those folk who use poisons as part of their traditional hunting, use either curare or strychnine. curare works as a muscle relaxant, with toxic doses essentially leading an animal to go to sleep, then the heart, etc shuts down (leading to death). this effect only occurs when curare enters the bloodstream, however, our digestive lining doesn’t have the ability to absorb molecules as large as curare molecules, preventing it from entering the bloodstream, thus, animals who have died from curare can be safely eaten (as long as you don’t have any tears, bleeding ulcers or whatnot in your stomach).
i know even less about strychnine as a hunting poison, but i have heard that you must quickly cut away the surrounding flesh in order to eat the animal.
i don’t have any direct experience w/ poisons, but what i’ve come across suggests that poisons vary considerably. i’d do some homework first.