Oh, the things people say

Grrrrr. Hiss. Boo.

I was at a restaurant with my partner and his father. It was my big chance to make a good first impression on his dad.

Well at one point he started waxing “poetic” and said something about how we can all do something about problems in the world if we just set aside our differences, put our heads together, and “act like civilized people.”

I think my ears started bleeding.

I almost jumped at him but then I remembered that he was my beloved’s parental figure.

Even then, it was hard to contain myself. I felt like this: :-X + :’( + >:(. It was not 8).

My experience with people who make statements like that point to two options, both lead me to think that his heart is in the right place:

  1. He is ignorant of the profound effects of civilization on the world.


  1. He is using terminology that may not resonate with you for ideas that do.

In the second case, he may mean that he wants people to be practical, smart, kind, rational, and expansive in their thinking; which are qualities most people associate with civ elites. If that is the case, it may take very little to help him reframe his thought.

I agree with the above, you and him might have more in common then you think, he’s just not talking your language due to ignorance that such a language exists. Educate.