
Better to avoid them in the first place, I know. I’m a dirty peasant.

But anyway, because things like this bother me like stray hairs in my face when I’m trying to kill things for the glory of misunderstood ecologies, does anyone else think that the ‘gender’ option in the profile would be better as ‘sex’? I assume that’s the thing people are more interested in anyway, and that at the moment it’s just used either way in confusion (gender is often used as a euphamism for sex, but it more commonly (or as part of a sane vocabulary) describes something else. Or maybe the gendered want to let people know that more than their sex. I don’t know. Just saying.

I’m going to go feel as insignificant as this post now. Bye.

Maybe need some more options for the gender field? :slight_smile:

I think the trend of calling it gender instead of sex has become common enough to say that they essentially work synonymously. A lot of people may still prefer to only use the word gender linguistically in terms of a word’s masculine/feminine/neuter gender.

What other genders would you suggest, Jason? “Two-spirit”?

Personally, I say don’t bother changing anything because it probably requires writing PHP in order to change the profile page–which I’m just not that good at yet.

You know, I have thought some about other ways to try to make the forum more rewild-oriented in its structure. Like the member groups that are based on how many posts you have made (newbie, jr member, full member, sr member, hero member).

Jason, didn’t your Anthropik forum have some clever terms for those groups like “domesticated”?

It probably adds absolutely nothing to the rewilding experience, but it feels kind of fun. Not like hitting the “post” button a bunch of times makes you any less domesticated, but… well you get the idea.

By the way, I’m really closing in on Hero Member status. Oooh, the excitement.

Yeah, I was trying to do something a little clever. The Anthropik Forums never had enough use for anyone to ever see the higher levels, but there was Barbarian at 250 and Savage at 500, so I just turned Tylor’s stages upside down, and made “civilized” deragatory. :slight_smile:

It would be nice if the gender feild was a write-in rather than a multiple choice.

I second that motion! I think it would be pretty awesome if we could write in our gender.

I would love to have the option to write in my gender! Or nothing! :smiley: Myspace has the options MALE/FEMALE which I get along with well. To me, male/female covers more than boy/girl and man/woman options do and goes synonymously well with gal/guy, dude/dudett, lady/ gentleman (gent for short), and sir/madame. Too bad these MALE/FEMALE options and their synonyms don’t also include the trans options chicks with dicks/guys with cervix, ya know!? ;D

I like that this topic has gotten such a strong response.

I won’t promise anything because I don’t know what would be involved in rewriting the software, but I will put this down on my list of future modifications.

I have locked this thread because we have some better-fleshed-out versions of these discussions happening in other threads, and I wanted to direct further posts to those threads.

Discussions about the user levels based on post counts go here:
[iurl=]Titles of members [/iurl]

Discussions about the gender binary system go here:
[iurl=]getting over the gender bianary system[/iurl]