
This ones for you Tonyz (if you ever read this). :slight_smile:

Mwhahaha got me :wink:

Fortunately for you, the PNW grows the most advanced spirit technology in the world. (perhaps africa’s iboga is in a similiar league).

Psilocybe Azurecens and Psilocybe Cyancens are above and beyond some of the most powerful combinations of psilocin, psilocybin, and baeocystin(a visual component found in much lower doses of the common p. cubensis).

These neurochemicals lead the brain on a journey of induced enlightenment. According to the research of James Austin and others, the tryptamine experience hardly differentiates from levels of enlightenment experienced by seasoned meditators.

As the mushrooms chemical messengers attach to seratonin receptors, new sensations bring us a feeling of connectedness and awesomeness. The tryptamine experience is not a form of induced dementia and should not be called ‘hallucinatory’.

In a sacred setting, this technology can open up doors of pereption that do not close at the end of the session. Experience, patience, and resilience to our internal meaning-machine are key to breaking through our Mother Culture Cocoon. Becoming an intentional user of such spirit technology changes the game from free love and rock and roll into a mystic journey that will hand you sacred responsibility if you choose to accept your mission.

Because of cool weather, we did not get a chance to explore the tryptamine realms in Lousiana, but the sweat lodge was an enjoyable and fruitful analog…

Plant a seed, watch it grow. That is my molecule motto…

I just now hopped on the internet (it squealed) to tell the tale of today.
I watched some guy drink what he called “Liberty Caps”. I wonder how many? He claims to have never seen them before but somehow he just knew. I look forward to witnessing such cheaply bought enlightenment.

So far he’s spent an inordinate amount of time chuckling and singing “something swirly this way comes”…

I’m interested in the link.

The best enlightenment is free (sorry, had to go there :wink: )

Psilocybe Tampanensis ,also known as Philosopher’s stones.

I’ve always been curious about shrooms. I’ve never tried them, but have always been curious.

Haha me too. I’m starting to think that the idea that anything that alters the mind is a dark and evil substance that will inevitably lead to the use of cocaine and blah blah blah might possibly and quite probably be a big steaming pile of civilishit. I’ve convinced myself to at least try one or two of these natural mind-altering substances. I tried salvia the other day with a buddy and… NOTHING HAPPENED… and it was expensive… lame. But I might go mushroom pickin one of these days (carefully, of course… on second thought, I’ll look for an expert to take along… or just buy some :slight_smile:

Shroomes are lovely!

Psilocybe Mexicana is my favourite<3