So I’m used to having very vivid dreams, often extremely unpleasant, and hard to ever forget. Now lately, my dreams are just as vivid as ever. That hasn’t changed. But they feel good, empowering, significant in some way…except now I struggle to remember them. Just little snippets and an overwhelming feeling that I need to remember the rest.
I’ve been planning on acquiring some mugwort, hoping it’ll help to clarify whatever good message I’m not quite getting. I bet I’d remember just fine if they were nightmares. Maybe I should just be satisfied with the newfound optimism these dreams give me, but nope, I feel like they wouldn’t be so vivid, so right on the tip of my brain-tongue, if I wasn’t meant to remember the message. And then I had another dream the night before last.
Drink mugwort and wheatgrass. That’s what I was told, that’s all I remember, and it has stuck in my head like a bur in the foot. My dream told me to drink mugwort with wheatgrass, preferably for my intentionof better remembering such dreams. Now I understand the mugwort, but I’ve never once heard or read about wheatgrass as being a dreaming herb. Probably gonna try it though.
I imagine that whatever is mixed with a dreaming herb will affect the quality of dreams. The role of agriculture in humanity’s fall from grace, as well as how best to honor the plants we’ve exploited as crops, has indeed been on my mind lately. I feel I may be going mad as I see so many connections…
Particularly the relationship between grain and flame, the fiery serpentine/avian spirits of ancient myths who brought that power, the role of shamans in mediating our relationships with such power, and the decline from true healing to modern medicine as humanity forged its ecological monopoly…
So how might wheatgrass and mugwort tea help me wrap my primate brain around all this? Has anyone felt a similar calling to ask strange combinations of herbs for aid? I apologize if this question comes across as strange or confusing, it probably is one of the stranger messages I’ve received as well.