has anyone done this fast? I did it once and it worked good and was fairly easy. Am thinking about doing it again before Thanksgiving, or after… can’t decide. Would love to hear other’s experiences with it! Personally I could not stand the salt water cleanse (tastes terrible, makes my stomach upset, until it passes through), but it worked great, so I did it every morning. I didn’t feel like I was hungry at all when I drank the lemon/maple syrup/cayenne pepper tea, but I had cravings for food that I would never normally eat (at least the TV commercials for the food looked SO Yummy! I don’t watch TV anymore, so this probably would not be an issue this time around). Also, I could not stay away from cookbook, and read them with such addiction that I had a whole month’s worth of recipes that I wanted to make when I was off the fast (never made them afterwards)… The one thing that I did learn was that food and drink is an integral part of our society, I found it very hard to go out with friends because everything about “going out” included eating or drinking!!
Also, I noticed that my energy was up and I still biked to work, and did yoga every day… I mainly want to do it again to kind of “reset” my body and then I want to start eating paleo again… and maybe finally get this hypothyroid thing under control!