Make a linke to the wiki from the forum. And vice versa

Make a simple link back to either the spash page or the wiki from here. I’d do it, but I don’t know how.

Great idea. I’ll get to work on that!

seconded. surely there’s a way to make the main logo link back to the splash.

Well, I’ve got the main logo here at the forum to link back. Now I’m trying to figure out how to make the one at the Wiki link back, which is proving difficult. I think I’ll just figure out how to play with the navigation bar there and add “conversation” to it.

I’ve now changed the logo on the Wiki to take you back to the splash, like the logo on the forum. I may change them at some point to just go to the other parts. Seems like going back to the splash just adds another step. Maybe change the graphic to say, "… Go to the wiki/Go to the forums. What do yall think?

I agree that going through the splash is less than ideal. Can you have links appear under the logo that offer Home/Wiki from the forum and Home/Forum from the wiki?

ha ha! you did it.

mad props for scout’s mad web skillz.

uR teh uber 5c0ut!