Lyme's disease

Have any of you guys contracted lyme’s disease from chilling in the woods?
My friend has once, and he said it was awful, his body was always sore, and he was always tired. I’m wondering if there are any natural herbs to treat the disease, or if there’s any way to prevent it.

A friend of mine has been eating the invasive Japanese knotweed, which also helps with lyme. Find a big patch and have your friend eat a bunch of that.

That’s alright, my friends’ been cured of it for a while now. But I checked that plant out on wiki. I think it grows in my area (PA), so I’ll look for it next time I’m out and about.
Of course, it would be best to just prevent picking up any deer ticks. I read the topic about preventing catching ticks, and I found out about building that ‘tick awareness’ feeling. The thing is, I never know I have a tick until the night after, when the little bugger falls off me! I doubt I’d be able to detect a deer tick.

Miranda and I’ve been investigating this carefully. We will report our ultimate conclusions. The tick needs to be attached for over 24 hours for you to contract Lyme. If you get yourself checked thoroughly twice a day you should be fine. Ticks like wet dark places and can only walk up. They are often found behind your knee, your armpit, the back of your neck, in your butt, and in your crotch. The checking process is somewhat kinky, so you might as well have fun with the thorough checking. Do not burn them off. Your best bet is to grab the head with a pair of tweezers and pull…unless you’re willing to just flip 'em off with a knife.

Any way, we’ll report with our findings when our research is concluded.

  • Benjamin

It is possible to avoid Lyme disease by following some rules.
Check it out at

i haven’t read through it all, but this lady has some stuff on herbal healing for lyme disease:
on the left hand side there are things like “early herbs” and “using teasel”.

i really think one of the most important things is checking for ticks on your body often. during tick season, its just a daily ritual for us. every evening, after we’ve gone outside to go potty for the last time before bed, we do our “tick checks”.

Cool, I didn’t know the tick has to be on there for such a long time before you’re screwed. Of course, a daily tick-check should always be part of chilling in the wild, I suppose. Though it would definitely be nice to know if there are any herbal cures for this. I’ll definitely check out that lady’s site.
Cause if shit hits the fan, and you got lyme’s, a check aint gonna do you no good!