– posted in my new blog >> http://fenriswolfr.wordpress.com/
So ever since I was young I was cynical to modern day civilization. It may be how my dad raised me, to appreciate nature, he took us camping all the time, and I know my dad at times had the urges to survive in the wild. But something must happen that does not allow people to. I have since found out, these chains of civilization, of being a citizen of the state, keep us trapped and held down, unable to get out.
As you might know I am currently a college student for game design, but I haven’t gone to school in 3 days now… My original plan of going to college was the fact I had nothing else to do. I had hardly anything going for me in the suburbs north of Detroit and seeking to escape it and my dysfunctional home life I fell into playing games. So when I had a chance to go to college… what for? In high school I took all AP classes, I didn’t even care to go to college when I took them, but I wanted the challenge, and the chance. The AP classes I met some of my favourite teachers, gained new perspectives, learned a bit, and was saved some of the drudgery of “bang-head-on-desk” classes. But mostly I wanted to get out. I’ve had always wanted to move out to the Oregon/Washington area, mainly because it seemed so nice, on the coast, far north, forests, mountains, rivers, not a lot of people, the perfect place. Game design is big out here in Seattle area so when my dad told me of a school just south of Seattle for game design I jumped on it. My cousin was also leaving Michigan to go to a school north of Seattle and we left together. It has since been a year since I left, and for the first year when I lived with my cousin in an apartment I still felt trapped, though a lot more free, but the trap was unavoidable, I had to work slave labor at some corporation for a year, and I just hate it, I feel insulted by it and I am usually to cynical to ever get a promotion, the only way is if I fake who I am, and I am a very honest person, usually I lie by not telling.
So recently my cousin and I split up and I went to move south to be next to school. School resumed for me in the middle of the summer here (July 15th) and my classes were the best ever. I found a roommate and an apartment complex near school and went to arrange an apartment around July 20th. The lady there asked my move in date and I said August 1st and she said that she had some 3 bedrooms and my roommate and I calculated it all out and that this was the best/cheapest place, so we went to go with it. Now both being college students we don’t really have an income so would most likely need a cosign… 2 days later I went back to the apartment office to have them fax a cosign application to my dad. When I was there a second lady sat down with me and got all my info again and asked when I needed to move in, August 1st I told. To my disbelief she told me she would not have an apartment, for sure, until August 16th. Now I was getting desperate, I was going to have to look for another place. I went onto craigslist and was searching around and found an ad, on the last day possible, for a room for rent in a house in a little unincorporated area, for the same price as I would had to have split in the apartment. Also it said a bonus if interested in making biodiesel. I knew about it, and my dad had talked to me about it before, and only weeks ago when I was at home in Michigan for break I talked to my brother who had just started doing it with his work truck. In the Seattle area we have found a big market for biodiesel, more than we can handle, and the guy who started with it has convinced me that we can make some $ with it. I have invested with him so I now have an interest and have been working with him to get something set up. The cause of my lack of sleep, and thus not going to school has been, as started by watching the movie Zeitgeist. Mainly looking up the Real ID act, and debating and looking up the law on the Federal Income Tax, because it just seems so ridiculous and demeaning-- http://www.rewild.info/conversations/index.php?topic=329.0
In debating with a very intelligent friend of mine, and my research to back up my claims, I really found no way out of the taxes if you are in the System, if you have been born a citizen of the state, Social Security, etc.
I have since learned, and I used to be a communist (but I suppose in the sense of the word I still am) that socialism, and the “communism” that went with it, is the biggest conspiracy ever. Before socialism hit, from the man generated great depression, man did not have his children taken from them and owned by the state. A couple days ago I met a man who completely opened my eyes to a new view of something that was seen in Zeitgeist as the controlling factor of the masses. Religion, and it is. And that is an even bigger conspiracy, as we will find out. The guy I am working with to make biodiesel also has radical anti-government feelings. And when a friend of his came over we started discussing the movie freedom to fascism about the income tax, and I related my findings of being unable to get out because of being a U.S. citizen (via signing up for social security) and having as I found out having a birth certificate. A birth date in law is the date in which one becomes a subject of the ruling authority. In this way we become subjects of the U.S. Government.
The man showed me a way out however. And showed it to me in a 100% legitimate way, that has been professed by a man 2000 years ago. To get out of the US system you must die, and be reborn, but beware of claiming yourself an individual sovereign, as the US can then basically go to war with you, the US is a stronger state, even declaring yourself a sovereign of the state is worthless because the US government controls the states. If a state were to succeed from the union the government could crush them. Unless you believe that man and his government is the highest authority, which I would think most people on here don’t, and perhaps nature and the rule of the world is, than what I am about to say should make sense.