My high school psychology teacher used to have a poster in her room with a poster of a boy with a make-shift wooden toy car with the caption “All kids are inventors”.
Looking at my younger cousins, I see a feral edge to them that, while depressing to know that it will be beaten out of them, is inspiring to look upon. Their sense of ingenuity, the love of play, the love of nature, the simple, honest speech. I’ve seen one younger cousin catch a butterfly with great precision thinking to myself “I’m too clumsy to do that”.
Children make shelter (forts), hunt for food (eating bugs, I know this seems contrived and silly, but I think it’s a legit way of thinking “All food is available to me”) make music and art (pots, pans and crayons) assume roles through play (playing “house”) and all other sorts of things that we aspire to.
What we see in children is the very beginning; if we have been denied the proper ontogeny and development of feral culture, we can at least see genesis.