It's fuckin cold today and I don't feel like doing shit

You know what I’m saying?

No. I feel very warm.

It’s pretty cold here in Wisconsin today too…
This morning the sky was gray which was comforting to my eyes heavy with tears… all I felt like doing was grieving over my past.
The sunshine in strong now and the clouds have sunk to the horizon. I’m amazed and inspired by the cats and crows and squirrels… all reawakening and living with such joy despite being surrounded by fences and houses and telephone wires. This time of the year is the easiest for me because there are no machines screeching in the neighborhood. Summer lawnmowers, Fall leaf blowers, and Winter snowblowers. AHhhhhhhh… but in the Spring there is only the sound of the earth reawakening.

And… it’s my mother’s 57th birthday tomorrow. Birthdays are one of the few days I’m guaranteed to feel warm and happy no matter how cold it is.

a beautiful 80 deg here today. suck it Yankee Losers!!! muahahahahahahahahahaha

hehe… Well, it’s now NOVEMBER and here in Ohio it is still sunny and WARM during the day, although there has been frost… still, I was wearing short sleeves on Halloween day (I remember it snowing when I was a kid) and out in the garden walking around and it was so nice and warm I wanted to lay out in the sun and soak it all in…
