Whenever I try to explain any of this rewild/ anti-civilization/ whatever stuff to anyone, it comes out all stupid.
Like, I recently got into a debate on another forum I frequent about the relationship between humans and other-than-humans, trying to say, we’re equal, and all things have conciousness, animals are intelligent, other things, and all that, but it didn’t read very good. No matter how I tried to word it. Not surprisingly, I got flamed pretty hard.
And today, my friend asked me who I’m voting for (it’s election time in Ontario), and I said I don’t like any of the parties. She asked me why, and, as if by subconcious reaction, I said “Cause I don’t like politics”.
Now, in a vague way that’s true. But not if you define politics simply as people getting together to make decisions. I could have said I don’t agree with politcal parties, government, and hierarchy altogether, but…it’s like a reaction with me. I always shy away from saying what I really mean.
But do I really know what I mean? A conversation on Anthropik got me thinking about this. Do I really understand this shit? Do I even believe it? I think so, but, examples so far have shown me lacking.
I understand that we all have masks that we wear for certain people, and that for extremists like us (compared to, say, Democrats) it’s hard to come right out and say what we want to say. It’s much better form to drop threads here and there, and let people come to the conclusion themselves.
Gah. This rant is dumb. Anyway. Should I study more? Should we create a rewilding quiz show? Or should I stick to what I’m good at.
That is, not spouting numbers and details and facts necessarily, but, instead, having give and take conversations, and expressing myself in other ways (art for example).
Is any of this making any sense?
Man, I feel like I just wrote a MySpace blog.