Hopi prophecy

Has anyone heard of the Hopi Blue Star prophecy?
I looked it up on google,and It seems to be a mixture of biblical and native prophecy.
I would like to hear some opinions about this and if someone is really into it,
Id like to know more. Ofthewood

I’ve heard of it and read about it somewhere that had at least a few pages…

I’ll try and find it, but my memory tells me that the prophecy said there were 7 (maybe 8?) signs that the world was going to end/change.

I can’t remember some of them, but one was the nation would be crossed by iron lanes (rail roads), then later by pavement, then people with long hair would come to learn the Indians ways and lastly was a blue star falling from the sky.

I hope that’ll sate your curiosity until I can find that link again.

Heres a bunch of youtube links…

Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg
Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqfvUA2vRAM&feature=related
Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9piIziXU9RE&feature=related
Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z57zs_Q67Ng&feature=related
Part5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BqJMwKZdyE&feature=related

Cant find any mroe parts

and heres a 2012 prophecy specific vid

Here is a link http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/prophecy/hopi.html

Google “Banyacya” to look for the real Hopi prophecies, as there are a lot of New Age versions around. Thomas Banyacya was the official designated interpreter and messenger of the Hopi Kikwongwi, or elders.

Edit: I took a look at the videos posted and, although they are well worth watching, they don’t have to do with Hopi prophecy. The videos don’t seem to identify the speakers, so I will mention that Pt 1 is Floyd Westerman, Lakota actor and musician, and Pts 2, 3, and 5 are Oren Lyons, Onondaga (Iroquois) chief. The woman speaking in Pt 4 in Audrey Shenandoah, Onondaga clan mother.

“A good friend of mine in Montana whose grandmother just passed away last year, the last thing she said to him was “Make a place for yourself in the mountains because the air will become so hot down here,” where they were at on a reservation, that it would be hard to breath. And it won’t be long, That’s the last thing she told her grandson when she was passing. Go on the mountains and make a place for yourself. Put some things there that you can survive with. People are going to run to the mountains to survive and the Native people must be ready for this.”

As far as I can tell from the prophecies the natives will be expecting us primitivist, atleast the hopi and lakota, and they will be willing to share what they know about survival when the time comes. Almost makes me wish I was in n-america, but on the other hand I guess survival will be much easier here in Norway. Maybe I should get to know the Sami part of my family better?

That seems like the best idea to me! The last truly indigenous europeans could sure teach a thing or two!

Whoa, just this day a girl(who knows of my fascination on the subject) on my job gave me a letter from her uncle, where he said that the tension between the sami and norwegians in the northern parts of the country is rising to unbearable levels… Synchronicity has a way of slapping you in the face!