Some folks, when out in the forest (or something looking like a forest) like to have a fire burning 24/7 or as long as somebody is awake, just for the sake of watching it burning. Not for cooking, not for warmth. Most of them would say something like “Where there is a fire, there is a home” or “there are many trees in the forest, we are just burning dead wood” or “fire brings people together”.
In some “alternative” places, people have the tradition of making huge fires in the longest or shortest nights of the year. Of course, all the night long.
Im not talking about old civilized and in some way religious traditions which are hold the whole world around. Where i was grown, in some summer day there is a religious tradition of guys walking over embers while carrying the girlfriend on the back. I am talking about people who go to live close to the forest, or call themselves ecologic or wild or primitive, and do it spontaneously.
I would like to read different opinions, can this kind of behavior be called rewilding in any way, or is it just as it looks to me, a huge waste of fuel leading to the destruction of the environment?
As i see it, living trees generously give away oxygen for every living being to enjoy (mainly; apart from food, shelter … ); dead trees provide mostly shelter and food for the rest still alive beings.
sorry if my English is a bit confusing