Food has a subtle energy that we can feel but not see. A profound influence on our state of mind, health and even things like dreams. It can heal or hurt. For example McDonald’s versus wild venison with pine tea. Some other examples: milk makes me feel like a baby and puts me in a state of mind that is disconnecting from the forest. Tropical food like bananas and even wild apricots make me feel connected to another ecosystem and make me colder in the winter. Kale and other hybrid species that are very changed from their wild species like oranges make me feel weakened and disconnected from the land so I stay away from them. Farmed mushrooms I also always stay away from because they are very sensitive to farming and change tremendously. Take wild maitake mushroom for instance, it tastes very rich and complex with a hint of onion or something while farmed maitake tastes lemony. Wild oyster mushrooms are completely different than farmed oyster. Wild blueberries completely different than farmed. Wild rice completely different than paddy grown hybrid wild rice. Wild deers happy free life can be felt while farmed deers oppressed life can be felt. For me personally I refuse to even eat at restaurants and cook organic with clay (use glass teapot) which eliminates heavy metal poisoning from metal cookware, pesticides etc. When I eat wild food exclusively, I feel transformed, my dreams eventually get super vivid and I gradually start to feel like my mind functions at much higher level. So I try to set myself up to not to eat any farmed food for long periods. Not even a bite. Its possible but really not easy to do in a messed up ecosystem without much free time and its not hard to get tempted and slip out of the streak. It’s much easier to hold if you’re in the right area and hit the harvest seasons. Sometimes fasting is needed to overcome a several day period of no wild food. Medicinal teas and smoking wild plants (smoking like Black Elk mentioned in Black Elk Speaks) helps to overcome hunger. The reward is incredibly mind blowing after months and keeps growing…
What are your experiences with food affecting your life (state of mind, emotions, dreams, learning, strength etc?)