Finntrolls message

I went to a great metal show, FINNTROLL. I felt at home amongst my heathen companions. At the hight of the show, the lead singer asked me and my peeps “So, who likes christians yaeh?” (Finnish accent) the crowd booed and hissed. then he asked “What do you do with priests?” People responded “Kill them, Burn them” But the lead singer screamed “NO! You EAT them”. This was by far the best response… A true utilitarian Primitivist would not waste their meat in flames, eating is so much wiser and respectful. I fell in love that night and was ashamed I did not immediately think of that answer. I must uncondition my wasteful mindset.

Wow man, I was totally at that show and had the same thoughts on it. Though I know the singer was probably not trying to make some deep statement about rewilding. I just thought it was a cool idea to not waste your kill. I don’t know about those priests diets though…

 I bring that up partially because I have been thinking alot about how I would respond to missionaries if I was a post apocolyptic survivor and they came to my valley (cultural territorial boundry) and started saying I'm wrong and will burn,  I will tell them to fuck off, then, if they dont, I will eat them.  I can get along with any body but only a fool would not learn from the trends of the past.  I would (with that hindsight) not be caught off gaurd, fight from the onset. There are some warning signs I would point out to my descendants.  Don't let people tell you the way you live is evil.  You have developed a culture derived from this land and for aliens to pretend they know better than you whats "right"... it's unfounded.

Thanks for replying TrollSplinter, Kinda new on this sight so dont really know what to expect. Crazy you were at that show, wasn’t it great!?!

yeah it was great, rock on my metal brother! (Okay folks, I am just a really sarcastic person, I know it’s irritating to be that way on the internet cause it doesn’t really translate into a short post. Please don’t judge me too harshly for my wayne’s world moment, and know that it’s a joke… sort of.)

I had wanted to see Finntroll while they were here, but wasn’t able to. The eating christians part sounds very much like Finntroll though. Makes me think of the first bishop of Cusco, who had the pleasure of being dinner for the Puna islanders…mmm “I smell the smell of christian blood…”.

Sorry you missed them, but really I was hoping for more from them to be honest.

Priests are the grossest…

You’d eat that?

I like priests… but I can’t eat a whole one to myself. No, you’re right, most likely some real nasty meat, but maybe you could find a vegan priest? If I where in a pinch, like stuck in a cave with only a priest, I’d eat one I suppose, vegan or no.

Now monks on the other hand are great, especially marinated in lager. Plus they’re easier to catch.

Thanks for the advice silverarrow, I was in need of a good Thanksgiving main course. :wink: