I think I might have changed my mind about this… AGAIN. Ugh.
Mainly because I just saw Willem working on editing the video from the WAYK language conference in BC last weekend and it made me feel all inspired. Videos and photos do that. It’s all about the feeling of inspiration. One of my problems, I think, lies in the use of these things in manipulative marketing. Lying about what you do… or embellishing for the sake of looking cool, like my photos of myself on my blog, rather than actually engaging in fluency. For example, I’ve got lots of flashy photos on my blog of me doing fun primitive stuff, but how often do I do those things? It’s kind of like lying about authenticity… or not authenticity: I want to be good and fluent at those things… but more like capturing the image of being fluent at those things without being fluent. Am I making sense here? I see this with wilderness schools marketing (one in particular that I will not mention) and it annoys me because people go to these places thinking they are walking into a fluent culture and instead they are simply taught a novice level of skill, and not even taught a way of increasing their own fluency one they leave the program, or rather, not taught to create a culture of fluency on their own. Look at Martin Prechtels website. See any pictures from his school “Bolad’s Kitchen”? Nope. See any pictures of what goes on at his workshops? Nope. And yet, his work is probably the most inspirational and authentic approach to rewilding.
But then I see Willems videos and it gets me all excited. And I think that’s a good thing. As long as the product you are selling is building a fluency culture and not more of the same schooling model. I don’t know.
I like the idea of having a “picture taking time”.
I’m also annoyed at pictures, again for the “cool” factor of my own (now non-existent) disgusting hipster obsession. I heard someone talking about an event they went to and how they took pictures and some other smug mother fucker says, “'Cause it didn’t happen if you didn’t blog about it”. While they were being a dick, it’s kind of true these days. People constantly add media (for whatever sake) to the ever growing pool of excess. Do we really need it all?
Alright, I know I’m kind of ranting, but I’ve got a weird emotional battle going on over this whole topic. Do I document Rewild Camp to inspire others? If so, how do I make sure to accurately represent what goes on at Rewild Camp?