Exercise and hunger?

Hey everyone, recently I have been doing a one hour yoga exercise every morning (this is the third day in a row! woohoo!) which is very odd for me, because I usually just lay around all day, having no motivation to do anything (I have had some adjusting to do since moving back to Ohio)… but since doing yoga every morning, I have realized that I have more energy, get up earlier and earlier, and am not so hungry for snacks or junk food through out the day! And not so hungry for grains, more so for fruits and veggies…

Has anyone else noticed the lack of hunger/uneccessary hunger after exercising? Also any mood difference?


I’m wondering if exercise/being fitter is more of an adjustment facilitator than anything. It sounds like you’re trying consciously to depend less on grains, and exercise is making the adjustment easier because your body/muscles/cells are reconstituting, giving you more of an “open field” for diet changes. I’m not so sure that exercise in and of itself will automatically lead to eating less grain. When I played tennis in H.S. I ate spaghetti and carbs all the time.

Just a first impression/guess … I am no nutritionist, so I’m probably totally wrong. :slight_smile:

Maybe it has something with the type of excercise. Since Yoga is low impact and the types mentioned by you guys is high impact, that may have an effect. Also, I think it has a lot to do with your mind too. If I say in my mind that I want to eat healthier and not eat in between meals, etc. then I will be more inclined not too, especially if I am excercising and taking care of myself in other ways too… I remember when I went vegan it was immediately upon deciding, and cheese was my favorite food! No one could believe I was going vegan… I think it has a lot to do with boredom too, when I am bored I eat snacks to pass the time, but since I have been doing yoga I have more energy and am generally more active, so less bored… :slight_smile:

the mindfulness of yoga practice probably has more to do with your newfound balance in your hunger. I can relate to eating more on certain types of excercise. It’s a wonder I didn’t turn into a flying spaghetti monster when I was playing soccer in high school :wink:

When I was stretching and working out every morning my energy was through the roof. I craved my workout and just felt wrong untill I completed it. I can relate to the food thing as well, but perhaps because I was eating key foods. Lots of spirulina, bee pollen, whey, and when it came to the solid foods, I didn’t crave much, but when I did eat, it was always high protien. Gee, I gotta start that up again…

when i’m actually going thru my exercise regimen (which i’m not, nor have i recently) both my energy & hunger go way up. the hunger probably has a lot to do with the mix of weights and high-energy aerobics, i think it takes a lot of energy to do and it cranks my metabolism all the way up for the whole day, so i’m burning a lot of energy even sitting still.

It always seems like when I am working a lot or busy with projects, that I don’t think about eating and just work through the whole day without a meal, or just snacks. I eat a lot more when I am bored or not doing anything active, or creative… if I have something other than hunger to concentrate on, it seems like the hunger is less.