Dogs decoded

an interesting documentary on the domestication of man’s best friend.

the fox experiment is the most interesting, and i can’t help but wonder: have i retained more of my own wild ancestors traits and is that the reason for my seemingly inherent inclination towards rewilding? i’ve met many people who simply can’t relate to the deep feelings i have toward civilization and my inclination toward wilderness, people who literally look at a humming and rich, dark old growth forest and feel no sense of deep awe or yearning, people who, when i look in their eyes, have the same dazed expression as an over bred pug tethered to a parking meter.


Hey brother,

can you figure out about the video is. I cant see it from europe.

What are the video claim? What is problematic?

i think misko had trouble seeing it too in canada, something about distribution rights or something i think. it shouldn’t be long before it’s up on youtube though. sorry about that.