I wish I’d actually read the Continuum Concept before having a child. Well, I wish a lot of things, but here I sit facing the challenges of today, straddling a culture I didn’t invent and the one I try every day to invent or re-invent, and I ask other folks to share their solutions to this transitional dilemma.
So ideally, a child gets to run around freely, all day every day, with a pack of other kids (hey, I’ll give the old ki a try here) of mixed ages ki’s known all ki’s life, visiting, observing and learning from various adults with various skills as ki chooses. Everyone has choices, everyone has support, everyone has tradition and story and elders to suggest what to do.
Fast forward to my (our) world. I work towards that ideal in any ways I see possible, but still we have more time than I’d like sitting in the house (i. e. sick family member, child/parent energy ratio out of whack, already had our fill of cold/wet weather, or I just have stuff I need to get done in the house) and sometimes drive each other crazy. Today we took the edge off with a foraging expedition, other days desperation sets in.
Toys provide some diversion in the sorry lack of the above-mentioned conditions and opportunities, and believe me we have some, but most of the “toys” out there JUST SUCK! I guess there are some media options that suck less than others (we favor Muppet Show and Thomas Elpel DVD’s). . .
So, folks, what you got? How can we bring the kids and parents, at times when stuck in this and other cultural compromise scenarios, closer to their continuum (i.e., everyone gets ki’s needs met, no one loses ki’s mind)? What brilliant, simple and elegant solutions have rewilding folks found to reinvent “hangin at home”? Non-parents, please throw out ideas too!
My best ideas so far:
blanket/sofa fort building
recycle bin building materials
put kid to work (sweeping & washing dishes stay fun only so long)
musical concert and/or dancing
tumbling/obstacle course/indoor “parkour”
wish i knew more simple games. like string games?
get together with other folks
someone told me recently, community happens when you ask for help. ;D