Okay, so a composting toilet isn’t necessarily transition tech, as one can easily be made from ceramic or something, but this seemed like the best area.
A composting toilet is basically just a bucket or other container with a comfortable seat on it. When you piss or shit, instead of flushing you throw something on top, like grass, newspaper, lawn clippings, etc. Something biodegradable. These layers of dry compost act as a cap to the gross smells, and also allow the composting of your waste to begin. Then every once in awhile, you empty the whole stinking mess into your compost heap.
I think this is an idea worth remembering for some of us, since it might allow us to be slightly more sedentary by increasing garden yields, and would also allow us the ability to not have to go run a decent distance from camp just to take a dump. I don’t look forward to that in New England winters.