Colorado? Denver/Boulder/Longmont?

Is anyone in the northern Front Range region (say, Denver north to Fort Collins)? We’re in Longmont/Boulder and would like to meet others who are interested in hunting, fishing, gathering, rewilding, “primitive skills”, camping and the like.



Are there no others from this forum near me?

I used to live in Aurora. Do I get partial credit?

Sorry you haven’t gotten a response yet, hxaosanto. Don’t give up all hope, though. The site has hit a growth spurt recently, and maybe some new members will pop up in your area.

good luck finding folks. . . i know they’ll turn up. i lived in boulder years ago, and i really miss walking out my front door and right on up behind the flatirons to look out over the plains.

Well, I have no intention of staying in this area long-term; way too many yuppies and society is firmly entrenched here, mountains notwithstanding.

But, it would be nice to have a “paleo chat” with others of like mind every so often over some wildcrafted herbal tea.

I am living in Fort Collins and eager to find other people to work on rewilding with.