Hello Rewild Folks,
I’ve noticed some contention on this site over the last few days, mostly stemming I think from the primitive skills vs. rewilding thread. I’d like to clear up some assumptions that I feel people making which have caused this division.
The core of rewilding involves walking away from civilization to create a new culture based on principles from cultures that people have observed to work. Rewilding does not mean seeing those cultures, mostly hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists, as perfect, but as systems that worked better than what we have now; civilization. If you feel curious to learn what made their systems better than civilization, please ask about it, you may have something to learn. If you do not feel curious about it, and do not believe that civilization does not work, the social-political aspects of this forum may not suit you well.
Creating a new culture involves more than tool-making. Tool-making work as central part to the culture, as well as many other elements. Hunter-gatherer cultures worked better not only because of their tools, but the systems and culture in which they used them. If we want that kind of working system, we want to make those tools and learn the system. Rewilding does not invovle “thinkers” and “doers.” A culture refers to the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Creating a new culture involves tool-making, systems thinking and system & tool implementation… and much more. By studying all of the totality of hunter-gatherer cultures we can see why their systems worked better than what we have now, and use that knowledge to create new cultures. Again, if only tools interest you, I encourage you to limit yourself to those sections of Rewild.info. We appreciate those who do very much.
Many people out there have much to offer, no matter their background; red neck, hippie, whatever labels you want. Creating a new culture involves having people who wish to do so. Because culture bases itself from a certain world view, and rewilding invovles walking away from the culture of civilization, finding others who want to walk away from the civilized world view seems very important to creating a new culture. While any civilized person has tool-making skills to offer (and thank you to those who do) it seems equally important to find others with those abilities who wish to walk away from civilization as well; so that you can create that culture. While I have many teachers and mentors who love civilization, I don’t count on them helping me form a new culture (although some, like my family, will do so anyway).
A lot of rewilding philosophy comes from preparing for the collapse of civilization. The majority though, comes from the desire to walk away from civilization and create a new, wild culture. While collapse sometimes steals the spotlight with its shroud of urgency, the real dream involves creating a holistic culture that will last beyond civilization. Tool-making and stock pile conversations tend to go hand in hand with “surviving the collapse,” while tool-making, knowledge of systems and people seem to go hand in hand with “walking away from civilization” and “cultural creation.”
The intent behind my Primitive Skills vs. Rewilding critique involved showing how the mainstream perceives primitive skills, and how rewilding involves all that primitive skills have to offer, and more. It also involved my desire to find and see people who do more than primitive skills; the cultural creation beyond civilization.
This site exists for people who implement all of the rewilding aspects into their lives, to share how their trials and tribulations of creating a new, sustainable culture. It works as cross-cultural pollination. If you would rather experience trial and error yourself without hearing stories from others, or if you have others rewilding near you to speak with and learn from… please go do that! I have a large community in Portland that implements rewilding cultural creation everyday and who I speak with about it everyday. I also created this site to “extend my reach” beyond my everyday community to people all across the board. If you have no interest in extending on a computer, than go to one of the many primitive skills/rewilding cross-cultural pollination gatherings across the country. As kiliii said, many exist. Or you could do what I do, and do everything!
If you have any questions about the points I have just laid out, please ask in a direct manner and use specific examples.