I really hope this thread explodes with knowledge and wisdom. As I’ve been slowly drawn toward the revelations of rewilding, I’ve been introduced to people who are talking about the importance of regaining my rights that were taken away when I pledged citizenship to the United States of America. I’m sure some of you will know what I’m talking about. Apparently there is a site called theunitedstatesofamerica1781.com which is built around the theory that Britain took ownership over the United States when the original forefathers were unable to reach an agreement about this or that (I don’t know all of the details). Long story short, the theory goes on to state that we are basically pawns with no freedom when we realize that “the United States of America” (notice the lower case t) is simply a corporation that has created its own set of laws which are not aligned with the original mandates of “The United States of America” from 1781.
Anyway, I’d love for as many people to weigh in on this as possible. Obviously, I’m far enough along to understand that I’ve given up an endless amount of rights being born as an American Citizen. However, the concept of denouncing my citizenship, claiming my ethnicity, and possibly being able to actually own things without paying taxes by using proper documentation etc etc is very foreign to me. (And that’s only a very small portion of the rights I’ve been told are possible to regain.)
Thanks everyone.